Prioritized Goals of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board



Prioritized Goal Statements for the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board

The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board developed and established prioritized goals for the three year assessment period that begins July 10, 2010. These were discussed at length by the Board over several meetings and given opportunity for public input. They consist of maintaining the existing program of work and trying to establish a financial reserve to cover any unforeseen increase in our milfoil program.


  • Treatment of Eurasian water-milfoil to maintain navigation in the main lake, maintain a healthy balance of native aquatic vegetation, and prevent the spreading of nuisance aquatic vegetation.
  • One herbicide or mechanical weed harvest each year according to the Lake Mitchell Weed Management Guidelines approved by the LMIB (January 2012) to maintain navigational channels.
  • Curbside weed pick-up from approximately Memorial Day to Labor Day.
  • Chemically or biologically treat other areas as needed to maintain navigation, control purple loosestrife, and eliminate Phragmites.
  • Establish a financial reserve to cover years with higher than normal weed growth, control new invasive plants, or to reduce future assessments if aquatic weed management continues to be successful. Goal is to build a $60,000 reserve by July 1, 2015.
  • Conduct additional herbicide or mechanical weed harvest to maintain navigation if needed and approved by the LMIB.
  • Consider up to a 10% financial incentive to support large capitol expenditures that benefit specific areas such as dredging, aeration systems, or other innovative concepts.