Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting October 18, 2021
A. Call To Order: 10:00
B. Roll Call: Present – Marty Williams, Mike Bengelink, Ron Klimp, Dave Foley, Mike Solomon: Absent – SharI Spoelman
C. Additions/Deletions: None
D. Approval of Agenda: Unanimous support
E. Approval of June 14, 2021 Minutes: Unanimous support
F. Public Comments: None
G. Agenda Items:
1. Treasurer's Report – Klimp Computer difficulties hampered efforts. Fund Balance as of 6/1/22 - $208,753. Balance as of 10/18/21 - $206,800
2. Establishment of assessment for 2022- Klimp The assessment for 2021-22 will remain at $100 for tier 1 (lakefront lots), $50 for tier 2 (back lots with lake access) and $200 for Commercial proprerties with lake access. Motion to accept this assessment made by Klimp, seconded by Bengelink. Unanimous support.
3. Weed Pick-up contract – Foley Paul McDonald who has done roadside pickup in recent years has resigned. Solomon, Klimp,and Foley will develop an advertisement and seek a new person to do roadside pickup.
4. Meeting dates for 2022 – The following LMIB meeting dates were proposed for 2022: Saturdays 4/16 and 8/20; Mondays 6/13 and 10/17. Mike Solomon made a motion to accept these dates. Motion was seconded by Williams and unanimously approved by the Board.
5. PLM Contract- The PLM contract for 2022 was accepted following a motion and approval by Board
6. Consultant Report – Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones was absent due to illness in the family. Mike Solomon gave report. Five treatments were made. South Franke Cove received treatment with Phostock a chemical used to reduce phosphorus content in water. $51,000 was spent on weed treatment. 79 acres were treated. Treatment totals includes additional treatments of same acreage. 7.1 acres – Big Cove; 19.6 acres – Little Cove; 5.5 acres Franke North; 10 acres – South Frank; 36.5 acres in main lake. It is recommended that the Torenta Canal receive treatmetnin 2022.
7. Other Business
I. Public Comments: Jay Puvogel said he appreciated the extension from Labor Day to October 1 for roadside pickup.
L. Adjournment : 10:39
Special Lake Mitchell Improvement Board meeting -- August 9, 2021
Called to order: 9 AM
Membership: Present – Mike Bengelink, Ron Klimp, Mike Solomon and Dave Foley; Absent - Shari Spoelman and Marty Williams.
Approval of LMIB 2021-22 Budget.
Treasurer Ron Klimp presented budget with proposed revenue for 2021-2022 of $285,761.25.
A Motion was made by Mike Bengelink and seconded by Dave Foley to accept the 2021-22 budget.
The vote was unanimous to accept the proposed budget.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:21.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting Minutes for June 14, 2021
A. Call to Order: 10:00 AM
B. Roll Call: All Present:Ron Klimp, Shari Spoelman, Mike Solomon, Mike Bengelink, Marty Williams, Dave Foley.
C. Additions/ Deletions: Representative for CISMA.
D. Approval of agenda: Unanimous
E. Approval of April 17 minutes: Unanimous
F. Public Comments:
Jim Wright noted how effective June 3rd chemical treatment in Little Cove had been.
G. Agenda Items
1. North County Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) Representative Emma Costantino encouraged those finding or suspecting the presence of invasive species should contact her.
2. Public comment Process – Shari Spoelman and Mike Bengelink reviewed Robert's Rules of Order process for using “Public Comments” in meetings.
3. Treasurer's Report – Ron Klimp passed out his report noting that The LMIB's balance as of 6/13/21 was $216,674.23. The revenue for 2020/2021 was $101, 672. The projected revenue for the current fiscal year is $68,950. Lowering the assessment has decreased the revenue as the LMIB works to reduce it's fund balance to $150,000.
4. Weed pickup – Dave Foley offered the following motion: The first roadside pickup will be completed by May 1, and the second spring pickup will be done by May 15. The regular weekly pickup of aquatic vegetation will start the week before Memorial day and continue through the first week after Labor Day. The last roadside pickup will be completed by October 1. The person contracted for this work will be compensated for these additional pickups. Mike Bengelink seconded the motion. The vote was all in favor except for Shari Spoelamn who wondered what the additional costs would be. ( It was later determined that the additional payment offered would $1000).
5. Resolution confirming special assessment – Dave Foley read the Resolution Confirming the Special Assessment which showed the reduced assessment for 2021 and that it would yield revenue of $68,950. Foley made a motion, seconded by Bengelink and it passed unanimously.
6. Consultant's Report – Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones from Restorative Lake Sciences reported that on June 3rd 7 acres of milfoil was treated on the main lake along with 7 acres in Big Cove and 10 acres in Little Cove. By using a mixture of ProcellaCOR EC 2X22 and Diquat Dibromide that act as both systemic and contact these herbicides would eliminate invasive plants and insure that they don't become hybrids that are resistant to treatment. Weed growth was rapid this year, perhaps because the mild winter didn't kill all milfoil allowing it to start growing quickly in the spring. While the main lake has very little milfoil, the coves are suffering from heavy weed growth.
I. Public Comments:
1. Jay Puvogel from South Lake Drive noted the abundance of weeds in the canal and coves.
2. Ron Moelker had several questions for he board.
If answers to public comments are not addressed in the meeting will the question be answered? Mike Solomon assured Ron that all questions would be addressed.
Ron asked what would be done about native weed in coves and Mike said he would discuss this immediately after the meeting.
The LMPOI was asked to address the issue of Japanese knotweed by the LMIB at the April meeting. The LMPOI indicated that since knotweed was growing on land, monies from the LMIB should not be used to treat it.
3. Jim Wright asked about harvesting in the coves as the buildup of decayed matter on the bottom and current weed growth was making the coves quite shallow and causing problems for motorized watercraft.
4. It was asked what would happen if the dam was totally eliminated. Mike Solomon estimated the lake would drop 1.1 feet. If the cement base went out as well so the water would flow at the level of the Clam River, the drop would be over 3 feet.
Member comments: Ron Klimp indicated that their was plenty of compost available at his farm near Franke Cove.
Meeting adjourned at 10:41
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board meeting -- April 17, 2021
A. Call to Order: 10:00
B. Roll Call: Present: Marty Williams, Mike Solomon, Mike Bengelink, Ron Klimp, Dave Foley; Shari Spoelman. Also attending – Jennifer Jones -Jermalowicz, CEO of Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS)
C. Additions/Deletions: None
D. Approval of Agenda: Unanimous approval
E. Approval of October 19, 2020 minutes: Unanimous approval
F. Public Comments: None
G. Agenda
1. Election of Officers: The officers of the Lake Mitcchell Improvement Board for the next two years are Mike Solomon, chairman; Shari Spoelman, vice chairman; Ron Klimp, Treasurer and Dave Foley, secretary.
2. Treatment of Japanese knotweed – Vicki Sawicki of North Country Cooperative Invasive Species Management.
Japanese knotweed, an invasive plant, was identified in 2017 in 25 locations in the vicinity of Lake Mitchell. This plant looks like bamboo, can grow up to 12 feet high and has heart shaped leaves. Its rugged root system, which can be as deep as 60 feet and range out 15 feet, can damage roads and building foundations. Eradication costs $120 an hour but a grant allows state to absorb half the cost lowering it to $60. Vicki indicated that in some cases there would be no cost. The Hamlin Lake Preservation Society split cost with property owners bringing it down to $30. Solomon and Spoelman would like to see if townships have zoning regulations regarding invasives. Williams indicated that for about $1900 the LMIB could finance the eradication.
This may be a project that the LMPOA and LMIB could work together on. Jermalwicz-Jones, the RSL consultant noted, that although plant does not directly enter the lake, it could reduce biodiversity in the watershed.
A MOTION was passed for the LMIB to ask the LMPOA to explore the issue and see if they will get involved.
3. Treasurer's Report (Marty Williams)
Current Balance - $241,980.79 (4/16/21)
The assessment will be lowered for the coming year in the following way: Tier 1 (lakefront residences) drop from $150 to $100, Tier 2 (back lots) drop from $75 dollars to $50, and Tier 3 (commercial) drop from #300 to $200. At the new assessment level annual LMIB assessment revenue will be $69,000. This will lower fund balance and within 2-3 years LMIB balance will have reached target balance of $150,000.
A MOTION was made and passed agreeing to new assessment.
4. Consultant's Report (Jennifer Jermalowicz Jones) – Surveys of lake to determine location of invasive and nuisance weeds will begin in late May and treatment will follow in early June. If weed problem in coves and canal are apparent, these areas will get earlier treatment.
5. Roadside Pickup - Paul McDonald has been contracted for $8000 to do weekly roadside pickup of aquatic vegetation again this year.
At request of Dave Kuyers roadside pickup will begin on May 17th, one week earlier than had been stated in the contract.
A MOTION, and passed unanimously, made this official with agreement to pay another $440 dollars (his weekly rate) to Paul McDonald.
6. Cherry Grove Township discussion -Each year Selma Township pays an assessment of $2500 for their lakeshore parks and boat ramps. In the past Cherry Grove was not charged as they were managing the Board's finances. Lat winter Cherry Grove asked to be paid for their work and it was agreed LMIB would pay them $2500 annually. This year Cherry Grove was charged $2500 for their public parks and boat landings. Cherry Grove has declined to pay this. This situation is still under discussion.
7. Other business – Lake levels – Because of low precipitation in the winter and so far this spring (normal is 6.7 inches, this year 1.66 inches), lake levels are down more than usual. The dam was closed on March 30 leaving just the 8 inch square opening flowing. An EGLE permit is required to modify this flow. Most years the closing doesn't occur until mid-May.
8. Board member comments – Foley indicated newsletter is at presses and will be mailed (May1 ?)45 days before first treatment (a legal requirement since it contains the spray notice). Website will contain all newsletter info plus more.
H. Public Comments:
Dave Kuyers – Appreciated that Board had developed a plan (lowering assessments) for lowering fund balance. Also wondered effects of lower water on weed growth. Jermalowicz-Jones noted that shallower water allowed more light penetration which would increase weed growth.
Lance Litton – Pointed out that closing the dam still meant water was going through an 8 inch opening. Solomon pointed out that EGLE mandated that there be an opening.
Dave Stringer noted that that 8 inch opening released millions of gallons every day. He also was concerned that LMIB was contemplating supporting with money a project to kill invasives that weren't actually in the lake.
Ron Moelker acknowledged that while Japanese knotwood, known as Godzilla wood was a problem but it did not effect the lake water. Moelker asked about length of RLS contract, when it was last bidded out and when it began. He was told RLS contact was for 5 years, RLS was hired in 2009 and last time bids were taken was 2008.
I. Adjournment: 11:09.