2020 Meeting Minutes -- Lake Mitchell Improvement Board

Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting   October 19, 2020


A. Call to order 10:01

B. Roll Call  - Klimp absent

C. Additions to agenda – none

D. Approval of agenda – unanimous

E. Approval of August 10 minutes – unanimous

F. Public Comments – none

G. Agenda Items:

1. Treasurer's report – Balance as of 10/14/20 $251,030.04. Expense for 2020 treatment came in under budget. Approved  Shari, Motion; Mike B. 2nd.

2. PLM Contract – Unanimously approved for 2021 Motion, Mike B; 2nd Shari.

3. 2021 meeting dates  - Sat. 4/17, Mon. 6/14, Sat. 8/21, Mon. 10/18.  MOTION  -passed to approve these dates. Dave made motion; Mike B. proved a 2nd. 

4. Cherry Grove agreement:  Addendum  proposed by Shari: MOTION: Shari, 2nd Mike. B to approve the Agreement for Administrative Services between Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Cherry Grove Township, Selma Township, and City of Cadillac with the knowledge and understanding that the LMIB notes discrepancies in the services attributed to Cherry Grove township as outlined in the agreement (Local unit services) and what actually transpires in the maintenance and collection of assessment rolls for each party. 

Specifically, as the LMIB understands the services, the Wexford County Equalization Office maintains the LMIB special assessment  rolls and not Cherry Grove. Likewise Equalization processes the billing of Selma and the City of Cadillac as part of the summer billing process and the individual Treasurers collect these special assessments and disburses them to Cherry Grove on behalf of the LMIB. We believe this process allows the local treasurers to know which parcels are delinquent

In this motion, I am requesting this information be placed as an attachment to the contract upon approval and signature.

The LMIB unanimously approved this MOTION. The addendum was drafted by Shari Spoelman of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board, City of Cadillac representative.  

5. Invoice for Selma and Cherry Grove – MOTION: Townships will each be assessed $1250  for their lakefront parks and public accesses. Invoice will be sent on March 31. 

6.  Treasurer Marty Williams met with a committee of LMIB members and proposed that assessment for 2021 be lowered to $100 for lakefront, $50 for back lot, and $200 for Commercial lot. These numbers were based on averages of expenses for last three years. This lower assessment should gradually bring the fund balance down to the goal of $150,000. MOTION  Mike B., 2nd Shari. Unanimously approved the 2021 assessment.

7. Vicki Sawicki will be invited to the board to talk about invasive Japanese knotweed program. A funding grant may be applied for.

8. Consultant's report – Jennifer reported that 25.6 acres of new milfoil was found and treated in August. Milfoil problem is most persistent in NW corner of lake. RLS is testing various mixes of chemical so invasive plants will be less likely to become hybrids that are resistant to chemicals.

The experimental treatment for milfoil in Big Cove worked well. 

In September water quality testing was done.    

Green algae has appeared in coves. Treating it w/copper sulfate may kill green algae leading to possible replacement  with  blue green algae which can be toxic. If most of plants are removed from an area, it may be replaced by blue green algae.  



Meeting was adjourned at 10:35

Submitted by Dave Foley secretary of LMIB

 Lake Mitchell Improvement Board meeting    June 22, 2020


A. Call to Order: 10:02

B. Roll Call: Present: Marty Williams, Mike Solomon, Mike Bengelink, Ron Klimp, Dave Foley; Absent: Shari Spoelman. Also attending – Jennifer Jones -Jermalowicz, CEO of Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS)   

C. Additions/Deletions: G.2/ G3 proposed additions – Approved Unanimously.

D. Approval of Agenda: Unanimous approval

E. Approval of October 26, 2019 and May 17, 2019 minutes: Unanimous approval

F. Public Comments: None

G. Agenda

1. Treasurer's Report (Marty Williams)

    Current Balance is $225,126.55

    Estimated balance - June 30 payment of PLM bills $145,650

Expenses will exceed revenue as anticipated by lowering assessment for 2020.

         2. Request for  payment to Cherry Grove for Services – Cherry Grove township which handles all of LMIB fiduciary responsibilities requested payment for services rendered.  

3. Payment to Cherry Grove for Services -After negotiation between the LMIB and township, it was agreed to pay annually $1250 to township. 

4. LMIB Budget

a. Treasurer Marty Williams presented a budget of $104,125 for the 2020-2021 years. A motion was made by Mike Bengelink and seconded by Ron Klimp to approve this budget. The motion received unanimous support by the Board.   

4.  Consultant's Report (Jennifer Jermalowicz Jones) 

     Due to COVID shutdown, RLS couldn't start work until Mid-May. Lake Mitchell was surveyed on June 2nd and 3rd and 28 acres were treated on June 9 for milfoil and some nuisance weeds in coves. Big Cove had substantially less milfoil after having been treated last year with Procella. In the first days of July, RLS will evaluate their treatment and retreat or do a first treatment where Eurasian watermilfoil or nuisance native weeds are found. It is likely that the Torenta Canal may have algae harvested.   

H. Public Comments:

Jackie Erway and Dave Stringer asked about the dam and lake levels. Solomon noted that dam has been closed for  more than a week. Some information was exchanged about court ordered lake levels and the opening that is never closed on the dam.   

Dave Stinger questioned the budget item for $13,000 when roadside pickup was contracted for $8000 by Paul McDonald. Some of the other money is paid to Ron Klimp for storage of weeds on his land and will be used when algae is harvested in Torenta Canal. The rest is held in reserve for unexpected expenses.

I.  Correspondence: None

J. President's comments: 

Solomon will form a committee along with Shari and Marty to determine the assessment for 2021.

Solomon was concerned that LMPOA approached City Commission to appoint a different member to the Board now that Shari Spoelman is no longer on the Commission. He felt she had excellent qualifications to deal with environmental issues relating to lakes and had taken a course on Lake Management. Her work as director of local MSU extension also enhanced her contribution to LMIB. Dave Foley also spoke in support.     

K. Adjournment: 10:52