2017 Meeting Minutes

LMIB MEETING MINUTES (special meeting) -- December 6, 2017


Call to Order : 9:30

Roll Call 

Present – Stinger, Spoelman, Foley, Bengelink, Jacobson, Solomon

Absent – none

Attendees – 1

Deletions to Agenda – none


Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve Bengelink, 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed


Public Comment – none


Treasure Report

Expenses to date $21,525

Balance on Hand as of 11/14, 2017  $406,820

Suggested assessment for 2018 

Tier 1 $50

Tier 2 $25

Tier 3 $100

Motion to approve Foley, 2nd Bengelink motion passed 5 to 1 vote, Spoelman no


Approval of October 30, 2017 meeting minutes

After lengthy discussion lead by Spoelman a motion was made by Spoelman to change the sentence under Board Responsibilities from ( After lengthy discussion the board decided the proposals were not necessary and none were adopted) to After lengthy discussion the board took no formal action but agreed on some ways to improve communication and operations. 2nd Foley motion passed 5 to 1 vote Stinger no

Change will be made

Discussion led by Spoelman on Consultant Contract change no action taken


Meeting adjourned 11:00


LMIB MEETING MINUTES -- October 30, 2017


Call To Order : 10:00 AM


Roll Call:

Present - Stinger, Spoelman, Foley, Bengelink, Solomon

Absent - Jacobson

Attendees - 5


Additions / Deletions To The Agenda



Approval of Agenda

Spoelman motion to approve 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed


Approval of August 19, meeting minutes

Spoelman motion to approve 2nd Bengelink all ayes motion passed


Public Comment :

Jay Puvogel- Any complaints on lake levels? Solomon, lake levels were 6” inches below spring levels before the October rains.

Jean Wright- The treatment in front of their cottage in Little Cove was successful and appreciated how fast it was done



Treasurers Report: 

Detailed report will be posted on the web due to Jacobson's absence


Board Responsibilities:

Stinger expressed concern about the lack of over site from the board and the possibility of legal challenges in the future and presented 6 operational proposals for consideration for the new year

1. One week prior to any lake treatment RLS issues a document to each board member which includes date of treatment, specific areas to treat, chemicals to be used in each area, and desired effect.

2. Postings on shoreline with chemicals to be used specific to that area and appropriate warnings specific to that area

3. Two board members present during treating process to verify adherence to the process

4. At an appropriate time after the first major lake treatment the whole board will survey the lake with RLS to observe the results of our efforts and discuss plans going forward

5. Create a survey to go out to all property owners on our email list to rate our performance and suggestions for the future

6. Establish a process to get navigational weeds removed by harvesting or other methods within the 100 ft. from shore area

After a lengthy discussion the board took no formal action but agreed on some ways to improve communications and operations


Consultant Report:

Full report posted at Cherry Grove Township Office and on our LMIB web site


Board Comments:



Public Comments and Questions:

-Jean Wright, will consultant report be on the website? Stinger yes

-Ron Moelker reminded the board that the Stinger proposal was not so much about time and process but about legal responsibilities. Thought the idea of saying what you are      going to do and verifying it was a good idea. Giving all responsibilities to RLS does not release the board from legal responsibilities for the outcome

-Tom Talluto asked if we would harvest the canal next year? Jennifer yes 

-Tom also commented on the amount of weeds present from the Torenta Camp Ground to the front of the Torenta Canal


Consultant Contract for 2018:

Spoelman motion to accept, Stinger commented couldn't vote for the contract with RLS responsible to analyze all bid contracts in line number two. After discussion Bengelink suggested removing “analysis of bid documents” from line two. 

Foley 2nd with changes and all ayes. Motion passed unanimously with changes


Meeting Schedule for 2018:

Saturday 4/28 12:00 noon

Monday 6/25 10:00 AM

Saturday 8/25 10:00 AM

Monday 10/29 10:00 AM



Stinger to have Jacobson renew Lake and Stream membership. Give Ron Klimp's final invoice to Jacobson for payment


Board Comments:



Chair Comments:

Good discussion, we have a good board. LMIB delegates responsibilities to RLS with good results and cost savings. RLS has done an outstanding job. We appreciate Foley's efforts with our web site and Lakesider Letter 


Adjourned 11:40


LMIB MEETING MINUTES -- August 19, 2017


Call To Order: 10:00 AM


Roll Call:

Present - Stinger, Solomon, Foley, Jacobson, Spoelman

Absent - Bengelink

Attendees – 6 

Guest - Grant Jones, Jordan Bentley


Additions/Deletions To Agenda:



Approval of Agenda:

Spoelman motion to approve 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed


Approval of the June 26, 2017 meeting minutes:

Spoelman motioned to approve 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed 


Public Comment:




Treasurer's Report:

Revenue - $154,345

Expense - $ 183,297

Fund Balance - $348,727


Spoelman asked if we have a budget , Jacobson yes

Spoelman motion to accept expense report, Foley 2nd all ayes motion passed


Japanese Knotweed

Vickie Sawicki gave a power point presentation on the different invasive weed species, she represents six counties and is enlisting support to help eradicate as many as possible. There are currently 23 infestations around Lake Mitchell. There are portable kits that can be obtained through the DNR to spray the weeds


Weed Pickup:

There has been some confusion as to the billing method for weed pickup. Foley and Jacobson to work with Benz to move to electronic billing


Consultant Report

  Treated 72.3 acres for Milfoil, 22 ½ acres treated for other weeds There was a total of four treatments for a totaling $53,679

Frankie coves received two treatments


Board Comment:

Foley questioned if Grant thought the canal was navigable, Grant was not sure, Stinger commented it was if you stay in the center

Foley commented we might need to do something in the canal to improve navigation next year.


Stinger commented that we are starting to see more lily pads growing  100 ft. from shore areas in Frankie South and may need to be treated in the spring  


Public Comments:

Brian Synder commented that everyone needs to be more pro-active about picking up weeds that wash up on shore. Also, need Benz to pick up weeds in the horseshoe area.

The Board does not have authority to order this done, Foley will add comments in the next news letter encouraging this.

Stinger commented on a neighbor that damaged a lower unit and prop on a large rock near opening to the large cove. Boat owners need to be careful.



Stinger read a letter from Rex Barker on conditions in Torenta Canal


Chair Comments:

All communication should come to the board, please do not contact our different service providers directly


Adjourned:   11:00 AM

 LMIB MEETING MINUTES -- June 26, 2017


Call To Order: 10:00 AM

Roll Call:

Present Stinger  Solomon Bengelink Foley Jacobson Jermalowicz

Absent Spoelman

Attendees 8


Additions/Deletions To Agenda:

Solomon added under 5.5, Little cove and Updates


Approval of Agenda:

Bengelink motioned to approve 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed

Approval of the April 15 2017 meeting minutes:

Bengelink motioned 2nd Stinger all ayes motion passed


Public Comment:





Treasurer's Report:

Revenue $154,312

Expenditures $38,868

Fund balance $393,123

Motion to accept Treasurer's report Stinger 2nd Foley

Roll Call: Bengelink yes,Foley yes,Jacobson yes,Stinger yes,Solomon yes, motion passed


Approve 2016 -2017 budget

Estimated revenue $88,000

Estimated expenditures $183,000

Estimated balance as of 6/30/18 - $265,000


Assessments will be:

Front Lot $125

Back lot $ 63

Commercial $250

Bengelink motion to approve Treasures recommendations 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed


Weed Pickup Contract:

Foley to clarify start and end dates with our contractor Benz.

Actual start date was May 13 and there was one pickup per week for the first two weeks. Jacobson wondered if we should add one more pickup after September 12, no decision made at this time 


Japanese Knotweed Inventory:

Vicki Sawicki to provide inventory for the board, there are several large areas of shoreline with Knotweed infestation


Richard Vos Property:

Richard Vos petitioned the board to change his lot number 832110BSR-23 from front lot to back lot assessment. After review Stinger motioned to approve Bengelink 2nd all ayes motion passed


Consultant Report:

Jennifer indicated we have treated approximately 44 acres for milfoil. Early treatment was done in Little Cove and there would be a followup for navigational weed control. Loose-leaf beetles would be planted in the lake this week. Overall assessment of the lake remains very good


Public Comment:

Question was asked about application process,Jennifer indicated there are primarily two types of application. A hopper is used for sculpin and the air boat is used for liquid.

Donna McCormick ask if we could enforce not treating lawns to the waters edge and asked that property owners not use leaf blowers to blow lawn waste into the lake. Jennifer wondered if the township could write and enforce rules. No action taken but good discussion.

Dave Borens question if there were rules for improper overnight mooring of boats and if the lake board enforced the rules. Enforcement does not come under the lake board authority. After some discussion Bengelink suggested that Dave contact the county Marine Officer, Trent Taylor.

Bruce Ozlin commented about the great improvement in weed reduction over the years. He indicated bass fisherman have made positive comments as well.


Board Comments:

Stinger questioned exactly what chemicals were used in Frankie South, renovate,tribune,clipper,cygnet plus (chemical names)





Chair Comments:

Solomon indicated that seven years ago we were treating approximately 500 acres for milfoil and now were are treating less than 50 acres. This has resulted in significant cost savings through the efforts of RLS and PLM


Adjourned 11:00  


LMIB MEETING MINUTES -- April 15, 2017


Call To Order: 10:00 AM


Roll Call:

Present Stinger Spoelman Solomon Bengelink Foley Jermalowicz

Absent Jacobson

Attendees 9


Additions/Deletions To Agenda:

Spoelman motioned to add a closed session at the end of the meeting prior to adjournment 2nd Bengelink all ayes motion passed


Approval of Agenda:

Stinger motioned to approve 2nd Solomon all ayes motion passed


Approval of the October and February meeting minutes:

Spoelman motioned 2nd Bengelink all ayes motion passed


Public Comment:

Lynn Nixon ask to combine Lake Board Mailings with the LMSA (sewer board) to save money, Foley to give Lynn our email list



Election of Officers

Chair Spoelman nominated Solomon 2nd Bengelink all ayes

Vice Chair Stinger nominated Spoelman 2nd Bengelink all ayes

Secretary Solomon nominated Stinger 2nd Foley all ayes

Treasure Spoelman nominated Jacobson 2nd Bengelink all ayes


Treasurer's Report:

Revenue as of 1-13-17  $147,147.11 

Expenditures $ 28,307.94

Fund balance $396,517.74

High fund balance due to lower treatment expenditures than expected last year and timing of revenue versus expenditures.

Spoelman motioned to approve Treasure report 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed


2017 Assessment:

Treasure recommendation to reduce assessments

Front Lot $125

Back lot $ 63

Commercial $250

Bengelink motion to approve Treasures recommendations 2nd Foley all ayes motion passed


Extend Weed Pickup dates:

Recommendation add a single pickup one week earlier and one week later than last year. Starting the week of May 20, and end week of September 12.

Foley motion to add dates with cost not to exceed $1500, 2nd Stinger  Spoelman no Stinger yes Foley yes Bengelink yes Solomon yes motion passed 

Ron Klimp letter:

Stinger read letter from Ron Klimp requesting compensation for continued use of his property and equipment to dispose of lake weeds. Ron has allowed us to take advantage of the close proximity of his property for several years at no expense to the lake residence.

Compensation would be $20 per load estimated at 50 loads per year and $300 for equipment maintenance to rotate weeds for composting,

Torenta Canal weeds are more difficult to compost after harvesting and would need to be discussed separately.

Stinger motioned to accept 2nd Bengelink all ayes motion passed


Consultant Report:

Jennifer indicated they would survey the lake starting in approximately three weeks, coves first than the main lake.

Jennifer discussed the increased infestation of knotweed along shore lines and difficulty in eradication. After brief discussion it was agreed that Jennifer would contact Vicki Sawicki and see if we could combine our efforts with others. Board agreed to table until next meeting.


Public Comment:

Allan Anderson commented on his experience with knotweed and how pervasive and difficult it is to eradicate. He indicated his support that the board should combine with others in the county to have a comprehensive effort toward its elimination.


Board Comments:

Foley commented on the great job our web master was doing and indicated that our cost was reduced last year. Opinion seconded by Stinger



Solomon addressed letter to the board wondering why Lake Mitchell's lake levels were lower this spring. Solomon indicated that the level was actually higher than last year at this time by 4 inches


Public Comment:

Marty Williams supported the Chairs comments about lake levels being higher and added that Lake Michigan and Huron were up a million plus gallons as well


Chair motioned to move to closed session to discuss recent Tribunal ruling 2nd Spoelman all ayes motion passed


Spoelman motioned to go back to open session 2nd Stinger all ayes motion passed


Open Session:

Stinger motioned to accept Tribunal ruling without appeal 2nd Bengelink all ayes motion passed


Bengelink motioned to adjourn Foley 2nd all ayes motion passed


Adjourned 11:10  


LMIB MEETING MINUTES -- February 20, 2017


Call To Order: 9:00 AM


Roll Call:

Present Stinger Spoelman Solomon Bengelink Jacobson

Absent Foley

Attendees 0


Motion to approve agenda Bengelink, 2nd Stinger all approve


Motion to approve February 7 minutes Stinger, 2nd Bengelink all approve


Motion to enter into closed session for the purpose of considering written legal opinion pursuant to Section 8 of the Open Meeting Act, Act 267, Spoelmon motion, 2nd Bengelink all approve


Motion to resume open session of the LMIB Regular Meeting and to accept the Minutes of the Closed Session as orally read by the secretary, Spoelman motion, 2nd Bengelink all approve


Motion to proceed with attorney recommendations to appeal Tribunal 

ruling on commercial properties. Also to allow Solomon to approve the appeal language prior to submission Spoelmon, 2nd Bengelink all approve


Solomon requested Jacobson to give summary of legal cost related to this case at the April 15th meeting


Motion to adjourn Spoelman, 2nd Bengelink all approve 


Meeting adjourned:



Call To Order: 9:00 AM


Roll Call:

Present Stinger Spoelman Solomon Bengelink Jacobson

Absent Foley

Attendees 0


Motion to approve agenda with additions, Bengelink, 2nd Stinger all approve.


Tribunal Ruling:

After a brief discussion and an opinion from our law firm the board agreed to accept the Tribunal Ruling unless it was appealed by the opposition party

Stinger motioned to accept ruling, 2nd Bengelink all approved



Brief discussion on the 2017 budget tabled until April 15th meeting


Ron Klimp letter:

Brief discussion on Ron's letter on composting cost, tabled until April 15th meeting


Meeting adjourned: