Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes -- October 24, 2016
Call to Order: 10:00
Roll Call: Present Stinger, Howie, Solomon, Spoelman, Foley. Jacobson
Consultant, Jennifer Attendance 0
Add to the Agenda, No. 7 Japanese Knot Weed and No. 8 Hearings
Motion to approve, Spoelman, Second, Howie, all approved
June 4 minutes Motion to approve, Howie Second Foley, all approved
Public Comment: None
Treasure Report
FY 2015/2016 Revenue $155,653, expenditures $145,366 balance$277,678
FY 2016/2017 Revenue $141,316 expenditures $16,127 balance $402,868
This matches Cherry Grove accounting
Spoelman motion to accept final treasure report second Howie all approved
Assessment Appeal Hearings
Solomon asked treasure to look at balance on hand and make a recommendation for next year special assessments. Report to the board in the April meeting
Assessment hearings in December moved to Traverse City
Weed Pickup
Foley to ask Benz (weed pickup service) to amend pickup dates for 2017 to add four weeks to the schedule starting pickup on May 15 and ending on September 30 with the first and last two weeks to be one pickup per week. Foley to obtain quote for additional pickups
Meeting Dates 2017
January meeting cancelled
Dates for 2017: April 22, June 26, August 19, October 30 all meetings will be held at the Cherry Grove Township at 10:00 am
Consultant Report
The condition of Lake Mitchell ranks in the top 15 % of similar lakes by size in Michigan, water clarity good, nutrient levels moderate, 33.5 acres were treated for Eurasian Water Milfoil in the coves and 71 acres were treated in the main lake. This totals approximately 4 % of the total lake surface. Purple Loosestrife beetle stocking occurred showing some promise, higher stocking levels recommended for the Big Cove for 2017. Full report will be posted on our website.
Solomon reported that Japanese Knotweed is showing up in many areas around the lake. This invasive species starts on land then migrates into the lake. Solomon will contact county officials to see if we can work together to identify the problem and solutions, RLS to provide recommendations in the April meeting as well.
RLS Contract Renewal
Contract discussed and after minor changes, Howie motioned to approve second by Foley. Solomon aye Howie aye Foley aye Jacobson aye Stinger nay. Contract approved 4 to 1 Spoelman left early due to previous commitments and didn’t vote.
Public Comments: none
Board Comments: Foley commented that we would probably need to harvest the Torenta Canal next year and that we would need an alternate site to dump. Stinger to explore options
Adjourned 11:30
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes – June 4, 2016
Call to order: 10:04
Present: Jacobson, Spoelman, Howie, Foley
Absent: Solomon, Stinger
Consultant attending: Grant Jones from RLS
Attendance: 5
Agenda Approved
Minutes of 3/24/16 meeting approved
Public Comments: None
Agenda Items:
Treasurer's Report:
Current Balance – $351,497
Expenditures - $71,490
Approx. $20,000 invoices approved but in process
Report on Budget
Budget for 2016-7 - $186,050
Budget for 2015-6 - $205,525
Budget reduction results from anticipated decrease in milfoil treatment.
Notable changes in budget – Legal fees up from $5000 to $8000
Main lake treatment reduced from $118,000 to $100,000.
Appeals hearing line item added for $200.
Budget approved by Board
Consultant's Report:
Time line:
5/11 Coves/canal surveyed
5/16 Coves treated 30 acres of milfoil in 4 coves/ 1 acre curly leaf pondweed in Little Cove
5/25-26 Main Lake surveyed (1600 GPS points)
6/1-2 71 acres of milfoil treated
No weeds found in canal/ algae will be monitored and treated as needed.
Questions for consultant -
Gary Meverdan: Canal is in good shape.
Board Comments:
Foley reported that Stinger received a FOIA fro Aqua Docs asking to see bids for applicator contract. Stinger will comply with this and supply information.
Public Comments:
Meverdan – Asked if canal will be treated again. Was told LMIB will monitor canal and treat as needed. Unless it's major problem, work may be done, if needed, at end of summer to collect algae when it is near end of cycle.
Chairman comments: Acting chairperson Spoelman likes format used to show budget. Howie agreed.
Adjourned: 10:34
LMIB MEETING MINUTES -- March 24, 2016
Call to Order: 10:00 AM
Roll Call: Present Stinger Foley Spoelman Howie Solomon Jacobson
Consultant Jennifer
Absent None
Present 0
Motion to approve February 27 minutes Howie 2nd Spoelman all approve
Motion to approve agenda Howie 2nd Jacobson all approve
Treasure Report:
Received two invoices from Cadillac News and one from our Attorney
Question should we increase budget for Attorney Fees,Solomon no but should add line item of $3000 for appeals
Discussed preparing budget for next year should complete by June 4 meeting
Spoelman would like to see a balanced budget
Spoelman and Jacobson to work on balanced budget proposal and forward to board for review by May 28
Bids Weed Pickup:
Secretary opened bids for weed pick up
Spoelman motioned to accept lowest bid Benz Excavating with their proof of liability insurance
Roll Call : Howie yes Foley yes Spoelman yes Jacobson yes Stinger yes Solomon yes motion approved
Bids Herbicide Applications:
Secretary opened bids for Herbicide Applicators
Solomon motion to accept PLM as lowest bid and also for the chair to negotiate lower prices where possible Howie also amended motion to allow Chair to sign contract,Mike agreed to amended motion, Howie 2nd Roll call : Foley yes Jacobson yes Spoelman yes Howie yes Stinger yes Solomon yes motion approved
Stinger asked if we need attorney's to draw up formal contracts for low bidders, board agreed to have our consultent Jennifer to draw up contracts send to companies that were awarded contracts
Secretary to send letters to all bidders thanking them for participating
No correspondence
No public comments
No further board comments Meeting Adjourned 11:00 AM
Call to Order : 10:00 AM
Roll Call: Present Foley Stinger Solomon Jacobson Spoelman Howie
Consultant Jennifer
Absent None
7 people in attendance
Additions Deletions to agenda none
Motion to approve agenda Spoelman 2nd by Howie all supported
Motion to Approve Jan 11 minutes Spoelman 2nd Howie all support
Correspondence read by board secretary
1. Letter by lake residence criticizing the board for the way the engineering/feasibility study was handled.
2. Two letters by lake residence congradulating the board for the work they do.
3. A letter from Travis E House D/Sergeant detailing a complaint that the board appears to be in violation of the open meetings act. Complaint stated issues relating to a meeting that was held where there was a quorum but public wasn't notified, minutes not available within 8 days of a scheduled meeting, and not bidding contracts for RLS and PLM. Letter is to be a warning of possible violations and further violations could result in civil or criminal investigation.
Shari Spoelman commented we always try to abide by the law.
Public Comment:
Alan Anderson commented that the letter from the State Police was very well written and that he was pleased that we were using our attorney to address these issues. He also ask if the board had been contacted by the person making the allegations.
Guy Wood ask why he was assessed $340.22 when the maximum is supposed to be $300 and was the new assessment added to that? Answer- there might have been an assessment due from a prior year and that assessment are once each year.
2015/2016 budget adjustment Jacobson Treasure
Account Balance $353,423.79
Jacobson stated that legal fees would probably go over the $5000 budgeted amount. Howie indicated the money could come out of contingency fees. Solomon indicated the chair can approve the additional expenditure without amending the budget
Public Hearing of Practicability
Jennifer ( Restorative Lake Sciences) presented a powerpoint on Lake Mitchell Improvement Feasibility and Aquatic Vegetation Management
Public Comment
Chris Gaertner ask that we clarify the assessment of $300 going to $225? was this for a four year period.
Mike explained that the maximum assessment for a 4 year period 1st tier lot would be $300 yearly but could be less year by year based on need. This year would be $225
Mike read letter by the Oslands highly supporting the boards continuation of lake management
Spoelman made a motion to approve the Resolution To Proceed With Improvements To Lake Mitchell
2nd Howie AYES Stinger Solomon Foley Jacobson Howie Spoelman passed unanimously
Board Discussion none
Closed Hearing
Open Public Hearing For Assessment 11:05 am
Assessment for calendar year 2016
Tier 1 $225
Tier 2 $113
Commercial $450
Corrections to Special Assessment Rolls
Kurt Swaigert indicated that Selma Township agreed to combine his lots that went through the middle of their residence. This should resolve the issue of two lake assessments
Email from Angus White protesting lots on Locust Lane as Tier 1 lots
Spoelman questioned if there is any action the board should take? Solomon indicated this will have to be handled by the Tax Tribunal
Solomon- property owners have 30 days from date of publishing the resolution to object and file an appeal.
Spoelman motion to approve Special Assessment Resolution 2nd Howie AYES Solomon Foley Stinger Jacobson Spoelman Howie passed unanimously
Spoelman motion to accept FOIA policy 2nd Howie AYES Stinger Foley Solomon Jacobson Howie Spoelman passed unanimously
Howie motion to approve advertising weed pickup contract 2nd Foley passed unanimously
Secretary to advertise in Cadillac News
Stinger questioned if Weed Applicator and Harvesting are two different contracts Solomon yes
Motion to approve the bidding of the herbicide applicator contract Spoelman 2nd Howie approved unanimously
Action Items
Secretary Publish Both resolutions in the Cadillac News and on the Web Site
Advertise Contracts for Weed Pickup and Weed Applicator
Secretary to post Special Meeting for March 24 10 am to review contracts
Call to Order: 10:00 AM
Roll Call: Present Foley,Stinger,Spoelman,Solomon,Jacobson,Howie absent
Attendees 5 board members- 9 residents
Approval of Minutes:
Spoelman requested moving the resignation of secretary to first item on the agenda
Solomon requested adding confirmation to reaffirm current address under item 2 as well as adding under item 6.5 approval of supplement for inadvertent omission to joint resolution
Spoelman motion to approve agenda with changes. Foley 2nd motion passed unanimously
Foley resigned as secretary but will continue to write the yearly news letter and share email list for human interest items. Stinger to receive all items related to LMIB issues via email or
Spoelman motion to accept resignation with regret, Jacobson 2nd motion passed unanimously
Foley nominated Dave Stinger as Secretary, Solomon 2nd accepted by Stinger and passed unanimously
Jacobson questioned, “should we review what should be in the minutes”
Discussion, then all agreed to continue to write minutes as in the past
Stinger will list the duties of Secretary position for board review
Stinger motioned to approve minutes, Solomon 2nd motion passed unanimously
Solomon thanked Dave Foley for his many years of dedicated voluntary services as Secretary for the board
Public Comments: Doug Osterbaan thanked Dave Foley for his service as Secretary and maintaining a very nice website
Ron Klimp questioned whether we would still maintain the website, answer was yes, Stinger will maintain the web site with our web master
Ron also complimented Dave Foley for his service
Gordy Maxwell stated that he thought the State would pay assessment for lake property they own, Stinger to check
Treasure Report: Balance as of 1/11/16 - $362,570 . Anticipated expenditures $157 950, will maintain a $90,000 reserve
Jacobson – Insurance/Bonds increasing by $20.00
Stinger asked what the legal fees were for calendar year 2014 and 2015? Jacobson to report after review of financial records
Stinger asked, has weed pickup budget decreased from $8000 to $7500? Foley responded yes we were only billed $7500 last year
Spoelman, “what was $48.62 expenditure to Stinger for cable?” Solomon answered cost of installing cable and posts for new ramp at Torrenta Canal
Spoelman motioned to accept Treasure report, Stinger 2nd and passed unanimously
Official Address For LMIB
Solomon the official address for LMIB will remain
4830 East M-55
Cadillac Mi. 49601
2016 Meeting Dates:
February 27 2016
June 4, 2016
August 8, 2016
October 24, 2016
January 19 / 2017
All meetings will be at 10:00 am
Foley motioned to accept these dates, Stinger 2nd motion passed unanimously
Stinger to post at Cherry Grove Township Fire Hall and on Website
Date for Public Meeting
February 27 / 2016 at 10:00 am
Foley motioned to approve open meeting date, Stinger 2nd then passed unanimously
This will be a back to back meeting on the same day. First meeting will address board practicality and second meeting will be assessment
Jennifer to publish open meeting dates in newspaper and mail assessment notification to residents
Jennifer to provide PowerPoint for project feasibility/consultant report first meeting,
Stinger to provide assessment rolls second meeting
Proposed assessment amount for 2016
Assessment maximum will stay at $300/$150/$600 for a four year period with adjustments to lower assessments as expenditures warrant each
$300 / 1st tier (front lot)
$150 / 2nd tier (back lot)
$600 / commercial
This year Jacobson motion to assess @
$225 / 1st tier
$113 / 2nd tier
$ 450 commercial
Stinger 2nd passed unanimously
Review Resolution for Public Hearings
Reviewed amendment to Resolution signed 5/13/15
Spoelman motioned to approve the resolution of intent to conduct a public hearing and establish a special assessment district for the continuation of the Lake Improvement Program foe Lake
Supplemental Resolution
Reviewed amendment to resolution for local government signatures signed 5/13/15
Stinger questioned whether item #3 of the new amendment meant any property improved by a lake project could be assessed such as property on Lake Cadillac because of the canal Solomon indicated
that we only assess property on Lake Mitchell
Foley motioned to take amendment for signatures to Cadillac,Selma and Cherry Grove boards, Solomon 2nd motioned passed unanimously
Spoelman motion to have our attorney draft a FOIA policy, Solomon 2nd motion passed unanimously
Solomon estimated cost at $500
Stinger will be the FOIA coordinator
Engineering Report -JJ Jones
Consultant Report/2015 Annual Report JJ Jones
Jennifer provided and reviewed Lake Mitchell Feasibility Study and Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan
Spoelman questioned whether the engineering report and consultant report were the same thing? Solomon answered yes, this document will serve as project feasibility study for open meetings
Public Comment
Rex Barker questioned whether the Engineering/Consultant report was adequate for a project feasibility? Report will be on the web site for all to review than
send questions to board at gmail account
Board Comments: none