Lake Mitchell Improvement Board
Lake Levels Corrections
Lake levels ( in feet above mean sea level) recorded on the corresponding date. In some cases incorrect data occurred in the minutes of the Lake Mitchell Improvement This table corrects that
information. Click here for a printable table.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes – October 21, 2014
Call to order – 1:46
Roll Call – Present – Mike Solomon, Alan Anderson, Shari Spoelman, Mark Howie, Dave Foley and Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones(RLS consultant); Absent – Sperry Claypool.
Additions/Deletions – none
Agenda approved unanimously
Minutes of August 9
meeting approved unanimously
Public Comments – none
Treasurer's Report (Alan Anderson)
Balance as of September 30, 2014 - $257,837.26
Other Business
1. Assessment appeal – Two property owners on the Locust Lane properties are appealing their assessment believing that their current assessment which considers them as lakefront property owners should be changed to a lower assessment that will reflect their perceived status as back lot property owners. The LMIB has retained the law firm Bloom, Sluggett, and Morgan to represent them in this appeal. If the court does not uphold the LMIB's position that the assessment is correct as stated, then the appeal will be taken to a state tribunal hearing.
Among the factors taken into consideration will be that according to law all appeals must be made within 30 days of the assessment going into effect which was July 1 2013. This appeal came over a year later.
2. Torenta Canal update – In a letter received from the LMIB's attorneys Bloom, Sluggett, and Morgan on October 21several options were brought up as possible means of administrating the canal treatment. The most feasible choices were for the canal property owners to form their own special assessment district or a special assessment being levied on the canal by the LMIB.
Ron Moelker from Frank South Cove which conducted a dredging of its cove that was financed by residents of the cove, noted that the attempts to form their own special assessment district were turned down three times by the Cherry Grove Township Board. Moelker also noted that the process of getting the necessary permits from the State government took nine months.
Board discussion then centered on the best means of removing the buildup of chladophora algae and decayed matter that lies on the canal bottom. This pile of debris is several feet deep and rises almost to the surface making progress in motorized watercraft frustrating as boat intakes become clogged.
Algaecides that have been used have been proven unsuccessful. Apparently there are many chemical treatment options and Jennifer will do experiments on algae from the canal over the winter to try and discover an effective treatment.
Several years ago part of the canal was cleaned using a small mesh harvester , however the long trip for offloading at Hemlock Park made the venture prohibitively expensive. The harvester still remains an option and Alan Anderson inquired about a video that had been offered by Doug Osterbaan which showed a machine that had an attachment designed to pick up algae. This will be checked as a possible solution.
Finding a closer, more convenient, place where the algae can be offloaded to a truck to pick up the algae continues to be a problem. The undeveloped north shore of the canal is owned by Cadillac Schools and the Manistee National Forest.
Linking the canal to Lake Mitchell by dredging on the east end is an unlikely option. The original canal was supposed to be cut through but the developer Leo Dunbar was thwarted in his attempt to do that.
Removing the debris from the canal will be a costly endeavor and the Board is concerned about dedicating an undue amount of its budget to one area. Yet as Rex Barker commented, “What good does our assessment do, if we can't leave our dock and reach the main part of the lake?”
Rex Barker noted that the “resolutions” as well as Act 188 being referred as a rationale for Board actions are not available to the public. The resolutions will be posted on the website for all to see in the near future.
Discussion on the issue concluded with Jennifer promising to work to develop more chemical applications as well as explore the possibility of having a harvester do the work.
In board action a MOTION was made by Foley and seconded by Spoelman to add $2000 to the $3000 line item to the budget for legal fees and take this money from the chemical treatment fund. This motion received unanimous support.
3.Consultant's report – (Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones)
Only 30 acres of milfoil was found for the second treatment. Scupin was found to be most effective in treatment. This year the cove's, which develop weed growth first, were treated earlier than the main lake and this proved effective and will be done again in 2015. Aquathol K will tried in Franke Cove South in 2015.
4. PLM contract extension – PLM has not raised its rates for two years and this year is offering to continue work on Lake Mitchell for a 1 ½ % raise. Because we have been a customer with them for several years, our rate increase is 1 1/2%. Their other clients are being asked for a 3% raise. The Board noted that they have been very satisfied with the work done by PLM.
A Motion was made by Spoelman and seconded Howie to extend the contract with our chemical applicator, Professional Lake Management (PLM) for the next two years at 1 ½ % increase the first year and no increase for the second year. The motion was passed unanimously.
5. RLS contract – Mike Solomon asked that because he is an employee of Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS), that he be excused from the discussion renewing the RLS contract. A motion that Mike Solomon abstain from contract discussion and voting because of a conflict of interest was made by Howie, seconded by Spoelman, and supported unanimously.
The contract offered by Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones was for the same cost but included some new duties.
A motion was made Foley and seconded by Howie to renew for 2015 the annual RLS contract for Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones at the same rate as the previous year but under terms as stated in the 2015 contract.
Anderson mentioned that he felt Jennifer and RLS had done a fine job particularly with the graphics, detailed surveys, and administration of the chemical treatment.
Spoelman noted that under her management the health of the lake has improved.
The motion was passed unanimously.
Public Comments:
Lois Poag, a former LMIB president, noted property owners had fewer weeds piling up on their beaches.
Board Comments:
Mark Howie pointed out that it was a good year on the lake and hoped that we can deal effectively with the canal in the coming year.
Alan Anderson – Purchased Cliff Bloom's book on Lake management and recommended it as a good read. He also felt the LMIB should add to the agenda for the next meeting, a discussion of whether or not to join the Michigan Lake and Stream Association and the Michigan Water Alliance. He also requested, that as a future agenda item, we discuss using lawyers who live on the lake “as suggested by Rx Barker” discussion about perhaps bringing in lawyers who live on Lake Mitchell for help with legal matters.
Jennifer will see if we can have an aeration consultant at our next meeting to discuss the subject.
Next meeting is January 12, 2015.
Meeting adjourned at 2:32.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting -- August 9, 2014 ( 32 in attendance)
A. Call to order: 10:00 AM
B. Roll Call: Present; Mike Solomon, Alan Anderson, Sperry Claypool, Dave Foley, and consultant Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones. Absent; Mark Howie, Shari
C. Additions/Deletions to Agenda: None
D. Approval of the Agenda: Unanimous
E. Approval of June 28, 2014 minutes: Unanimous
F. Public Comments: Mike Solomon read the
Improvement Board's policy on public comments.
G. Agenda Items:
1. Treasurer's Report – Alan Anderson
Current balance as of 6/30/14 - $214,563.20
Expenditures for calendar year 2013 - $211,374.48 of which $180,468.50 was spent on chemical treatment.
Our starting budget for 2014/2015 is $210,350
Chemical expenditure to date $72,374(compared to $180,00 last year) Though at least $13,000 is yet to be spent on chemical treatment, a much smaller crop of invasive and nuisance plants in the lake this year has kept our expenses down.
A motion was made to approve the report and it passed unanimously.
2. Modification of July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 budget – Alan Anderson
Anderson proposed two modifications to the 2014/2015 budget.
1) A monthly $3 bank service would become a $36 line item.
2) That $3000 be set aside to offset possible legal fees.
A motion supporting these modifications was passed unanimously by the Board.
Solomon proposed that a 3-person committee be set up to investigate the hiring of attorney and which issues might require an attorney's services. In addition to Solomon, Claypool and Anderson will serve on the committee.
3. Assessment roll change – Sperry Claypool
A new resident of the Mitchell Condominiums, Kringway LLC, will be added as a 1 unit addition to the assessment roll. A motion passed supporting this change.
4. Torenta Canal – Dave Foley
Background: Rex Barker, a resident on the Torenta Canal, and Dave Foley working from a row boat surveyed the depth of decayed matter found on the bottom of the canal. Beneath the 18 inches to 2 feet of open water lay an average of 4 feet of decayed matter. Foley presented these findings and asked Barker to talk about the problem. Barker had put together a nine page document discussing the issue. (Click here to read the document.)
Barker's comments: Referring to legal precedents, Barker noted that if water was accessible to the public, the Improvement Board must maintain it. It did not matter whether the waterway was natural or fabricated (dredged). The abundance of decayed matter makes motorized navigation difficult, has damaged the fishery, and lowered property values.
Anderson (to Barker): Does being a resident of the Canal shoreline create a conflict of interest for Barker? Though Barker had solicited opinions favorable to his case, the Board should contact attorneys to get a second opinion.
Barker: There are more fabricated (dredged) areas in Lake Mitchell than just the Franke Coves and the Torenta Canal such as Little Cove and the land around Peninsula Drive. The problems of fabricated areas lower property values.
Anderson (referring to whether the entire Lake Assessment district should pay for the needs of the Torenta Canal which has been estimated to be at least $88,000): We are responsible to all those living on the lake.
Barker: You can assess specific areas more to solve their problems.
Solomon: Frank Cove South came to the Board looking for help with their dredging project, but the Board did not put any money into their project. The Cove residents financed it themselves. For Improvement Board to undertake all the needed projects of lake improvement – Big Cove, Little Cove, Franke Cove, the Canal - it would be a tremendous financial expenditure.
5. Frank South Harvest request
Ron Moelker – Several years ago South Franke Cove did suction dredging for 75 feet out from the cove shoreline at a cost of $130,000. The did not dredge the center area which now has a dense crop of nuisance vegetation. Although chemical treatment killed the plants this year, the plants as they decay will slide into the deeper water and begin to fill the dredged areas. These dead plants need to be picked up with a harvester. Next year we need to treat the plants earlier when they are small.
Jermalowicz-Jones - The cost of bringing in a harvester to do the work is $2500. If harvesting is not possible the chemical Aquathol K is more effective than Clipper.
Solomon - Citing the Board's 2012 Prioritized Goals, it was noted that item 7# was “Consider up to a 10% financial incentive to support large capitol expenditures that benefit specific areas such as dredging, aeration systems, or other innovative concepts.” This could a means of assisting the Torenta Canal residents in financing the cleaning of the Canal
6. Consultant's Report – Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones
a.) Update on treatment Evaluations -- Results of a survey made during the first week of August found 19 acres of new growth Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM), 12 acres of EWM needing retreatment, and 2.5 acres each in the Torenta Canal and Little Cove needing treatment for algae.
b.) Board comments and questions
C.) Public comments and questions
Mike ? – Why do you think we have less milfoil?
Jermalowicz-Jones (JJ) – More thorough mapping has helped us to better pinpoint plant growth, more effective chemical treatment, and perhaps the harsh winter.
Naomi VanDricht – Algae is thick on west side of Little Cove. JJ – Treatment is coming next week. Solomon – Algae is floating across cove and hanging up on dead weeds.
Dave Fowler – Does treatment effect swimming? JJ – the 24 hour swimming restriction applies to areas where treatment was done and these shorelines are posted.
Moelker – DNR felt lower amounts of EWM was due to harsh winter. JJ disagreed citing cases of some lakes in state where EWM has increased acreage this year.
JoAnn Engels – Presented DNR map that did not show Torenta Canal.
Pat McCormack – Commended Board for their excellent work and felt that with Torenta Canal, an attorney hired by Board should also render an opinion on who should pay for improvements.
Steve Gobel – Concerning zebra mussels. Are they a problem. JJ – Because of the alkalinity of Lake Mitchell they aren't thriving as well as well as they are doing in Lake Cadillac.
Fowler – Are zebra mussels impacting native clam population. JJ – No, because there aren't enough zebra mussels in this lake.
Barker – Could we test canal algae to make sure it actually is chladophora? JJ – Yes.
H. Correspondence - none
I. Public Comments
Rex – Not sure that Board could “gift” or “contribute” to a project referring to Prioritized Goal 7# citing earlier in the minutes.
Goble- Are we setting ourselves up for problems by bringing attorneys in every time there is a conflict.
Swartz – Wanted to know when Roadside Pickup would end. Foley – The week after Labor day will end roadside pick-up. Check to see the final day for your section of the lake.
Moelker – The Franke South dredging project required 15 permits and took two years to put in place.
Barker – Torenta Canal is not considering dredging.
J. Committee Member Comments:
Jermalowicz-Jones – To restore lake to natural state would involve removing decaying matter from most of the Lake's 2500 acres.
K. Chairman Comments:
Solomon – The 10% for help for special projects would come from the budget.
L. Adjournment : 11:10 AM
LMIB Meeting Minutes -- June 28, 2014
Call to order: 10:00
Roll Call: Present: Mike Solomon, Dave Foley Sperry Claypool, Mark Howie, Shari Spoelman and consultant Jennifer-Jermalowicz-Jones ; Absent: Alan Anderson
Approval of agenda: Unanimous
Approval of April 16, 2014 Minutes: Unanimous
Public Comments:
Rex Barker stated that he observed 3 doors on the Clam River Dam and one is always open. Mike Solomon, county drain commissioner, responded that there were two gates and a 12 inch by 12 inch square is always open. Last summer he closed that opening, but when the pond by the Sound Garden became an algae mucky mess, he reopened the square part way. Barker then asked if the flow was effected by the Court Ordered for lake level. Solomon responded that the Court Order only states a required lake level not the flow.
Agenda Items:
Treasurer's report: Current Balance: $217,994.64
Weed control expenses:
$ 9,237 for coves and canal (6/17)
$70,000 Approx. for main lake (6/26)
Approval of budget
Motion: Mark Howie motioned and Shari Spoelman seconded that the Board approve $210,350 for the July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 budget. Approved unanimously.
Consultant's report (Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones)
Torenta Canal – The canal has a great quantity of algae and muck and is being treated with algaecides and herbicides. To get ahead of the problem either an aeration program or dredging is needed. John Spencer, a resident of the cove, was sent a cost estimate of an aeration program. If a major improvement is undertaken the question becomes, who will pay for it?
Coves – On 6/16 a broad spectrum contact herbicide was used to treat nuisance vegetation which included some milfoil.
Main Lake – 135 acres of milfoil was found in all of Lake Mitchell in the 6/16 GPS survey. This compares with 350 acres of milfoil found in 2013. The densest concentration was found in Big Cove which was treated with Sculpin @ 180 per acre and near shore OTF Triclopyr was used @ 180 per care.
Although tests of water and vegetation are being made for a possible Sonar /Fluridone treatment in a future year, the likelihood of such a treatment occurring is remote based on the current levels milfoil in the lake. Usually milfoil levels must reach 50% before a Sonar treatment is recommended. At present with only 135 aces in the 2540 acreage of Lake Mitchell the milfoil infestation level is only 5.3%.
The June 26 treatment of milfoil should completely drop the plants in 6-8 weeks although within two weeks the milfoil should start to sink toward the lake bottom. If numerous complaints are made about heavy concentrations of nuisance weeds, spot treatments of contact herbicide may be made.
Public Comments:
Rex Barker, a resident of the Torenta Canal, is concerned about the condition of the canal, which has to a great extent filled with algae and vegetation over the years. What once was five feet deep now has only a depth of only 1-2 feet.
He believes that the owners of property along the canal are willing to contribute to its improvement. The canal, being part of the lake, should receive the attention it deserves from the LMIB. Although Jennifer Jemalowicz-Jones the consultant believes aeration may clear the problem algae, Barker, thinks dredging might be cheaper.
He feels the canal property owners are willing contribute to this project but also reasons it is the responsibility of the LMIB. Since the Cadillac Area Schools owns property along the north shore, they should contribute as well.
Cindy Kline wondered when we would be seeking to renew the assessment and was told that this is the 2nd of 3 years of the current assessment.
Cathy Fewless of North Franke Cove asked if she could put in a muck mat and was told that that was permitted. In addition she noted that someone had stolen metal outside lights from a cottage on Franke Cove.
Chairman's comments:
Mike Solomon noted that South Franke Cove assessed themselves for the dredging. He thought they paid $150,000 for the project and those that did not pay did not get dredged. He also referred to the Lake Mitchell Property owners' Association survey conducted in 2012 in which a majority of property owners would object to a major increase in the assessment. He also pointed out that schools, National Forests, and the state government were exempt from assessments.
Adjournment: 10:36
LMIB Meeting Minutes -- April 16, 2014
B. ROLL CALL: Present – Shari Spoelman, Alan Anderson, Mike Solomon, Sperry Claypool, and RSL Consultant Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones. Absent- Mark Howie
E. APPROVAL OF January 13, 2014 minutes: Approved
1. Treasurer’s Report—Alan Anderson
Balance as of 2/28/14 $221,583.36
Anderson noted that Selma Township is now paying for its three lakefront township park lots. Solomon added that the Board appreciated the township's support.
2. Weed pick-up contract approval ---Foley
Foley noted that Paul McDonald has agreed to do do the 2014 lakeshore weed pick up at the same rate as in previous years.
Foley made a MOTION seconded by Claypool that Paul McDonald will do the weed pick-up for the summer of 2014 starting on May 19 and through September 12 for $7500.
3. Newsletter up-date---Foley
The website has been updated and the newsletter is finished and will be mailed 45 days before the first weed chemical application in order to comply with a requirement specified in the DEQ treatment permit. The mailing will likely occur around the first of May.
4. Resolution for 2014 for Equalization.---Foley
MOTION made by Foley and seconded by Anderson entails that Foley will provide the Wexford County Equalization with a Resolution confirming the special assessment roll and directing the collection of special assessments for improvements to Lake Mitchell for 2014
5. Consultant’s Report
a.) Sepro tests on SONAR – During the winter the LMIB funded ($2500) for SePro to test various concentrations of SONOR on Lake Mitchell plants. The tests showed that SONOR would be effective.
The following points were made in a discussion about using SONAR in Lake Mitchell:
SONAR is usually applied when Eurasian water milfoil or its hybrid covers 50% of a lake. Mitchell had hybrid infestation covering 14% of the lake in 2013.
While effective on milfoil, in some cases starry starwort or chiara plants have replaced milfoil creating new problems in the lake.
Water quality, currents, wind, and presence of bonding material in the lake bottom all can effect the success or SONAR.
The applicator absorbs the cost of a failed treatment, but the cost of a treatment can be significantly be more than traditional treatments. However, there may little treatment needed in the immediate years following a SONAR application.
Jennifer has only treated one lake with SONAR ( It was a successful treatment.) and feels it should only be used as a “last resort.”
MOTION was made by Spoelman and seconded by Anderson to have RLS ( Restorative Lake Science, LMIB's consulting firm,) collect data two weeks after ice out to be used to determine the viability of Lake Mitchell being a candidate for a SONAR treatment in 2015 or some year after that. a.)2014 chemical application dates.
The lake is still ice covered as of April 15 and before the lake can be surveyed the water temperature needs to reach at least 50 degrees. The end result might be that the chemical treatment could come later in the summer this year. The coves and canal, which warm faster than the main lake, will be treated first.
b.) Camp Torenta Canal
Tom Talluto, a resident near the canal, reported that after surveying the other canal shore resident that the majority do not want to or were unable to pay for additional treatment of canal algae and for weed control. Jermalowicz-Jones indicated that the canal would be part of the regular treatment program. Talluto will continue to look for a location closer than Hemlock Park where the algae and weeds harvested could be off-loaded, which would lower costs.
c.) Chemical treatments for 2014
At some point decisions will be made on specific chemicals and dosages that will be used for this season's treatments. The following MOTION was made to address this concern: Solomon will schedule a meeting of the herbicide committee and invite the RLS Consultant and a representative of the applicator, PLM (Professional Lake Management) at which time recommendations for products and dosages will be made.
c.) Public Comments and Questions
Bruce Oseland “What variables predict weed growth?” Jermalowicz-Jones - The lake bottom is fertile and a harsh winter may kill a significant portion of the seed beds so fewer plants may appear, however, milfoil may replace the native plants destroyed by winter resulting in a big milfoil year. The short answer is there are too many variables to really be accurate with a prediction.
Dave Stringer is concerned about effect of chemicals on marine life. Jermalowicz-Jones – The lake is healthy and care is taken to make sure no chemical will hurt marine life. The lake's tributaries wash nutrients into the lake,that and development of the lakeshore have introduced fertilizers and nutrients from old septic takes (used before sewer installed in1977) contribute to weed growth. Although weeds are good for marine life, a weed-choked lake is harmful as oxygen is depleted.
Anderson pointed out that By Laws found on website will detail rationale for formation of the Improvement Board.
Solomon assured Stringer that the rumor that treatment was discontinued on Franke Cove is false. The cove will be treated this year.
LMIB Meeting Minutes - January 13, 2014
A. Call to Order: 10:02
B. Roll Call - Present; Sperry Claypool, Alan Anderson,Mark Howie, Mike Solomon, Shari Spoelman, Dave Foley and Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones.
C. Additions/Deletions: .5 Ron Vaughn on sewer assessments. 4. b1 herbicides
D. Approval of agenda: Unanimous
E. Approval of October 15 minutes: Unanimous
F. Public Comments: None
G. Agenda items:
Ron Vaughn on sewer assessments - An agreement on sewer treatment and assessments made in 1977 expires in 2017 at which time the city of Cadillac will no longer be required to provide sewer
services. Currently the City of Cadillac treats wastewater; the DPW proivdes O & M- Operation and Maintenance. In 2007, 15 representatives from the Selma, Cherry Grove,and Clam Lake townships
began meeting to determine how waste water issues would be handled in2017.Currently rates are about $21 per month and are raised based on rate of inflation. City has made proposals offering to
continue handling wastewater for assessments of $26 to$33 per month. Haring residents pay about $50 per month for their wastewater treatment. Connecting to Haring's system would be more expensive
and Haring's system couldn't handle wastewater of the additional townships. Township committee has hired Wade Trim to study the City's rate structure and will continue to meet with city to
establish reasonable rates The committee has decided to currently use the DPW to oversee O & M and the committee is taking bids for building the two new lift stations that need replacement in
Selma Township.
Solomon clarified that the townships continue to require the DPW to provide O & M services instead of the City. With the current proposal,it would cost every property owner within the
district more than $60 per year or collectively $5000 per month.
1. Treasurer's report (Alan Anderson) Current balance as of 11/30/13 is $222078.58.
2. Herbicide Committee update (reported by Alan Anderson) Herbicide committee was formed to evaluate and and critique past chemical treatment and to work with our consultant and applicator in
order to be as effective and efficient as we can with future chemical treatment of the lake as well as to determine what constituted “fair share” treatment for the coves/Torenta Canal and develop
a recommendation for the LMIB Board. The following recommendations were made:
1. Residents of enhanced or manmade areas of Lake Mitchell are assessed lake treatment and entitled to receive benefit.
2. Current treatment costs for areas such as the Franke Coves and the Torenta Canal are not excessive, and money received from property owners in these areas is also being used to cover
administration costs and chemical treatment for the lake as a whole.
3. Expenses for these areas will continue to be monitored and evaluated on an annual basis.
It was also reiterated as discussed in 9/26/13 LMIB meeting that coves need to be evaluated earlier in the year (and may be needed to be treated earlier) relative to the main lake, that Clipper
needs to be used again ion the Franke and perhaps Little Cove and that Restorative Lake Sciences is to review acreage, types of chemicals, and parts per billion for use in the coves and Torenta
Canal areas.
3. Meeting dates for LMIB for 2014 (Dave Foley):
-Wednesday April 16
-Saturday June 28
-Saturday August 9
-Wednesday October 15
-Monday January 12, 2015
All meetings begin at 10 AM.
4. Consultant's Report (Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones)
As a result of the June 10-11 GPS survey of Lake Mitchell, 420 acres of hybrid milfoil were found which represented about 16% of the lake surface. Treatments knocked down most of this, though it
will not be known until next summer just how much was eradicated.
Lake clarity was improved which although good news also means weeds may be able to grow at greater depths.
Early test results of damage done to loosestrife plants done by galerucella beetles showed the insects were effective.
Aquatic plant samples will be tested over the winter to see what chemicals will be most effective. A similar chemical mix to what was used this year is expected to part of next summer's
application. To prevent plants from developing a tolerance to chemicals regularly used, dosages and chemicals used will vary from year to year.
Aggressive treatment will be done in coves and Torenta Canal which have had the most problems with nuisance vegetation and/or milfoil. If weeds do not respond as desired to chemicals, harvesters
may be brought in later in the summer. A fine mesh harvester may be used in the canal.
One chemical being considered for use, if milfoil continues to be a major problem after 2014 is SONAR/flouridone. Both Foley and Spoelman encouraged board members to become thoroughly acquainted
with uses and effects of Sonar to be sure it is safe for use in Lake Mitchell.
Mike Solomon as part of the chairman's comments encouraged Tom Jacobson, president of the Lake Mitchell Association, to work with LMPOA and members of LMIB together and provide input to townships
regarding the decision about sewer treatment plan which must be made by 2017.
Meeting adjourned at 11:18.