Lake Mitchell Improvement Board
Lake Mitchell Improvement Minutes - November 1, 2012
Call to order: 3:01
Roll Call: Present – Alan Anderson. Mike Solomon, Sperry Claypool, Dave Foley, Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones. Absent Shari Spoelman, Pam Dahlstrom.
Additions/Deletions: None
Approval of Agenda: Unanimous
Approval of Oct. 15, minutes: Pending
Public Comments:
Mark Howie, newly elected County Commissioner, will join the Board in 2013. Howie was in attendance and Mike Solomon welcomed him.
JoAnn Engels reported over a hundred Association surveys have been returned and, in general, reflect discontent with weed situation.
Jim Anderson – Willing to be involved in Association, concerned about number of weeds that appear on his rock rip rap. Seawalls on adjacent property defect all their weeds to him. Suggested we get a Facebook page. Asked about cost of suction dredge as was told because it uses divers to pull weeds it would cast about $18,000 per acre.
Marilyn Cleveland – Concerned about biomass buildup in Little Cove and felt suction dredge might alleviate the problem.
Tom Jacobson – Suggested we raise assessment to level that could adequately deal with weed problems.
Agenda Items:
1. Committee report on strategies for public hearings:
Mike Solomon noted that no one north or south of US 10 as far as he could see is paying more than $275 per lakefront lot.
A committee composed of Solomon, Claypool, and Anderson made the following recommendations as options to be discussed at Public Hearings:
Committee Recommendations and Constraints:
1. All alternatives should reflect our existing goal statements.
2. Established a minimum contingency of 10% of the assessment as per Act 451.
3. Fund balance is presently fully funded ($60K as per goal statements).
4. Assessment from cove/canal areas need to also cover administrative costs and contribute to the management of the main lake.
5. Future assessments should be reduced when possible for subsequent year(s) if all revenue is not used or fund balance exceeds $100,000.
6. If additional work/area is desired by any particular area they would need to pay for it independent of the Board or request a differential assessment of the board.
Approx. Expenses - This assessment period. |
Alt. 1* | Alt. 2** | Alt. 3*** |
Administration | 30,000 | 31,000 | 31,000 |
Coves | 16,000 Clipper | 16,000 3-play 2 trtmnt | 18,000 |
Main Lake | 131,000 | 145,000 | 158,000 |
Contingency | 18,000 | 22,000 | 24,000 |
Total revenue/expense |
$195,000 | $214,000 | $231,000 |
Assessment | $275 | $300 | $326 |
* Alternative 1 is about how we annually programmed expenditures in 2008-2012.
** Alternative 2 Is Clipper, followed by triple play for all existing cove/canal treated areas and a 10.7% increase in the main lake (322 acres at $450/acre)
*** Alternative 3 is similar to alternative 2 in the coves, and a 21% increase in funds on the main lake.
NOTE: All alternatives have the flexibility to add the $60,000 in the Fund Balance if needed, less potential dollars spent as a financial incentive to support large capitol expenditures as stated in the Goal Statements.
It was noted that South Franke Cove has offered to pay full cost of a second treatment in their cove.
Dave Foley reported having two conversations with DNR Fisheries Biologist Mark Tonello where the effects of using a contact herbicide to knock down all weeds in the 30-acre Little Cove was discussed. Tonello cautioned that eliminating all plants would likely create a heavy bloom of algae and that original native plants would be replaced by new species which are less desirable as well as often being a thicker crop of nuisance and milfoil plants. Spraying during bass spawning (May 15 – June 5 are dates typical for Mitchell) could drive male bass from beds opening eggs up to predation by panfish and possible death by chemical contact.
Jennifer Jermalowicz noted that hybrid is tough to kill and doses of 2-4D used in past years no longer are effective. She suggests upping the dosage to 200 (from 160) Mike and Jennifer will continue to explore treatment options for 2013 as 2012 was recognized among chemical applicators as the worst year ever for growth of invasive plants. Jennifer feels that Option 3 (see above table) is needed to best deal with aquatic weed problem. If there are surplus monies then assessment could be reduced.
Mike Solomon (in reference for extra needs of coves) “We need to treat everyone equally and not give special preference to some groups.” No option includes treating all 30 acres of Little Cove with contact herbicide.
Alan Anderson (LMIB treasurer)- The measures being discussed won't be undertaken until after the next tax cycle in 2014.
A motion was made by Alan and seconded by Sperry to support the offering of the three options (see above) at the Public Hearings. The motion was passed with unanimous support.
Mike mentioned that another meeting might be needed to discuss the results of the Association and factor that into the Board's proposals for the Public Hearings.
Next on the agenda was a discussion of the bidding involved in the hiring of chemical applicators for 2013. Jennifer recommended that all bids under consideration specify in writing a guarantee of 90% success rate in their treatment.
Alan pointed out that our selection of applicators should be cost driven.
Jennifer will research chemical treatments of hybrid milfoil and eliminate from consideration those offering treatments which have proven to be not successful.
In Public Comments it was brought up that more specifics are needed in what the increase in assessment for option three would provide.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:31
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Special Meeting - October 15, 2012
B. ROLL CALL: All members plus Jennifer Jermolowicz-Jones LEI Consultant present.
E. APPROVAL OF October 1, 2012 minutes: Unanimous
1. Alternative management strategies for Public Hearings (Jones)
Two handouts were distributed -1) “Summary Tables of Lake Mitchell Treatment Areas 2009-2012 showing acreage, date of treatment, chemical used, costs, and contractor. 2) “Recommended Costs for Lake Mitchell Treatment Activities” offering treatment options for coves and canal as well as main lake.
Highlights of discussion concerning the handouts:
A. Anderson noted that 2011summary had low milfoil acreage indicating a treatment might not have been recorded. Anderson and Jones will check their records.
Dave Foley noted that Jim Vick hoped the 2013 plan would include two treatments plus harvesting of Little Cove.
S. Spoelman reminded Board members that their Priority Goals placed the main lake as number 1 priority.
M. Solomon pointed that guarantees should come with all bids from applicators.
J. Jones indicated that bids would be evaluated on four criteria – 1) Cost, 2) chemical recommended, 3) Guarantee, 4) DEQ approval.
J. Jones recommended that 2013 treatment plan consist of testing various chemicals and dosages in the lake. Board members wondered why plants weren't going to be sent out to be tested in laboratories as had been suggested in 2011-2012.
Jones indicated based on experience in 2012, that lab tests had not been proven a true indicator of a chemical's effectiveness. In addition labs were an arm of certain chemical companies (SEPRO) and only tested their sponsoring company's products. MAX G was judged to be effective in their SEPRO lab,however, results were less spectacular in Lake Mitchell in 2012. A search for an independent lab has not been productive. Since there are many variations of hybrid milfoil, the best testing would be in Lake Mitchell on its plants.
Jones noted that systematic chemicals were taking 4 to 6 weeks to destroy plants and results showed that many plants survived the treatment. This finding leads one to believe contact herbicides might yield better results. Options for 2013 include several plans with contact herbicides.
D. Foley wondered if the new products were safe for lake organisms as well as fish and humans. Jones said all had been approved by DEQ.
Jones has hopes of moving survey/treatment schedule up so main treatment might occur in mid-May rather than mid-June. Foley asked if chemical treatment in coves during bass spawning might have negative consequences for spawning. Jones said she would check with DEQ.
At this point the board examined the various treatment options discussing pros and cons of various plans. The Board then, under leadership of president Mike Solomon, began a cost analysis. One of the options discussed was raising the assessment from $275 to $350.
It was decided that Anderson, Solomon,and Claypool would meet to evaluate options and develop a plan to present to Board at its special November 1 meeting. The following points will continue to be discussed the next meeting:
1. Herbicide Susceptibility strategies for 2013 (Jones)
2. Objective Evaluation of herbicide treatment by acreage (Jones/Anderson)
3. Herbicide for 2013
4. Use of e-mail list (Anderson/Foley) – It was decided to continue to let the Association use the Board email list for Association business with a disclaimer at the head of Association email messages stating that the email was generated by the Association and not the Improvement Board. There was concern that every effort effort be made to guarantee the privacy of those on the email list. This is stated in the annual newsletter and on the website.
Rick Gebhardt asked if the proposed programs would solve the milfoil problem. Answer by Jones We are making every effort to put together the best plan.
Tom Jacobson: noted that an assessment of $350 a year is still less than a dollar a day. However, he felt that the cost estimates of aeration system for the canal seemed too high.
Dick Wolters Agreed with Jacobson that an assessment of $350 was reasonable.
Ross Maxwell Felt that a 10% increase was reasonable but $350 was too much.
Lis Poag felt a $350 assessment was fair.
J. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS: Pam Dahlstrom,whose term in County Commission ends in December, will be leaving the board.
K. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS: Mike Solomon set next meeting date for 3 PM on November 1
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes -- July 21, 2012
B. ROLL CALL: All present – Mike Solomon, Sperry Claypool, Alan Anderson, Shari Spoelman, PamDahlstrom and consultant Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones.
E. APPROVAL OF June 9, 2012 minutes. Approved with addition of this item: “Mike Solomon's daughter Angela picked up the galerucella beetles for the loosestrife treatment by the Lake Mitchell Board on July 14, saving the LMIB $200 in transportation costs.
1. Treasurer’s Report (Alan Anderson): Balance as of July 30 - $184,588.07 but expenditures for treatment and other items totaling $115,746.50 not yet subtracted. Balance will be about $68,841.57.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Mike Solomon): Lake level is 1289.55 which is .14 under summer level. It reached summer level on July 14.
3. Other Business:none
4. Consultant’s Report(Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones): On July 15, 40 pots representing thousands of galerucella beetles, which eat loosestrife plants, were planted in Big, Little, and the Frank Coves. Two residents with plants growing on their property refused the beetles. These plants will likely spread loosestrife in future years.
On July 23rd Jennifer will tour lake with applicators to determine which areas need retreatment. Those areas, which were treated unsuccessfully, will be sprayed again at no charge to LMIB.
In a recent survey, Jennifer found some floating milfoil plants, which were dead but have not dropped yet. This has occurred because plants are dying from bottom up. Once stem collapses plants should drop.
If plants were sprayed with a contact herbicide, they would drop sooner, but would likely return the next year, and perhaps later in the season. A mixture of contact and systemic chemicals might would kill plants and drop them more quickly. Jennifer will survey lake residents to determine their preference.
The northwest section of Little Cove is a mess of weeds. Traditional methods of treatment aren't working there. An aeration system might succeed there.
Jim Vick commented that chemical treatment in Little Cove was thorough but uneven, with some spots apparently not treated.
Jennifer attributed that to prop chop.
Mike was present during treatment and said work was thorough.
Jim Kenyon found weeds in Mitchell/Cadillac Canal and wondered who took care of treating and picking them up.
Mike pointed out that our DEQ permit didn't allow treatment of canal.
Shari Spoelman thought north side of canal was owned by City of Cadillac while the State (Mitchel State Park) owned the south side. James Dome wanted to know how milfoil was recognized and what were signs of its death.
Jennifer said green plants were healthy and dying plants were yellow or brown and had white spots.
Dave Foley noted that photos of all basic plants found in Lake Mitchell were on the website under “Aquatic plants in Lake Mitchell”
Tom Jacobson pointed out that milfoil was still found in NE side of lake.
Jennifer said she was aware of it and it would be part of the surveyed area next week.
Ron Moelker noted that recommended dosage of Clipper was 400 and wondered what dosage was used in coves.
Jennifer said 400 was used in FrankeCove and 200 in other coves due more acreage and cost.
Pat McCormack asked if assessment was going to raised and felt that a differentiated assessment, wherein those who needed more service would pay more, might be appropriate.
Mike Harrison indicated he felt Franke Cove property owners would pay more for additional treatment and that entrance to South Frank was closing as land encroached.
Sue Jones wondered if the dosage of main lake chemical could be raised.
Jennifer said applicator was using near maximum dose.
Jim Vick felt that while differentiated assessment should be considered that all people used coves and perhaps should split cost of cove work among all assessments.
Jennifer gave examples of other lakes using differentiated assessments.
Alan Anderson observed that the LMIB had made no decision on going ahead with differentiated assessments but went on to add that those living areas receiving additional work would benefit most via property value increase, improved aesthetics, and improved recreational opportunities. These advantages would offset money paid in a differentiated assessment.
Marilyn Cleveland wondered how much additional biomass from dying weeds accumulated on the lake bottom each year.
Jennifer said that different plants added varying amounts of biomass so plant diversity in Mitchell made it hard to calculate. She would see if some measurement could be made. Marilyn Cleveland was interested in knowing how much had been collected in assessments since LMIB was created.
Alan said that over the last four years about $195,000 had been collected annually. Dave and Alan would check records to see how much data from earlier years was available.
Bill Wanted to know about water levels and Mike talked about repairs. The drain commissioner discussed about adding the ability to close off the dam completely during extreme summer weather conditions. The DEQ has said this is possible and the drain commissioner will look into the possibility of installing that equipment in 2013.
Ron Moelker pointed out that 468 boats, other than resident boats, went into Frank Cove in June. Sixty-six on one tournament day.
Nancy Vick wanted to know about public hearings.
Jennifer said that public hearings, which will occur around January,are done in two parts. The first, being the “Hearing of Practicality”discusses what the Board will do in the future and public offers input into what their mission and goals should be. The second is the “Hearing for Assessment.” This one deals with the amount of money requested for assessment and the Association offers suggestions on the rate of assessment.
Pat McCormack complimented the board on its work and professionalism.
Lois Poag asked that a lake level study be made and discussion be part of the next meeting agenda
K. Dave encouraged everyone to check website regularly as it is being changed regularly and now includes lost and found of major items.
Shari would like to see the history of acres treated for milfoil in Lake Mitchell. Dave will try to put together a record of this.
L. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS (to include items that may need follow-up)
Mike publicly thanked Doug Masak for his help and allowing use of his property for loosestrife beetle distribution.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Meeting June 9, 2012
B. ROLL CALL Present: Shari Spoelman, Mike Solomon, Sperry Claypool, Pam Dahlstrom, Dave Foley and LEI consultant Jennifer Jones-Jermalowicz.
Excused: Alan Anderson
C. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO AGENDA Added: 1. 2012-2013 budget approval. 7. Reassignment of board responsibilities.
E. APPROVAL OF Minutes—April 23, 2012 - Unanimous
F. PUBLIC COMMENT BUSINESS- Shari Spoelman reviewed guidelines for Public Comment, which was adopted by the Board and incorporated into the By Laws.
Mike Solomon – LEI consultant Jennifer Jones-Jermalowicz has been receiving numerous phone calls, texts and emails from Lake Mitchell Association members. Overseeing more than 40 lakes, these additional contacts are difficult for her. In the future the LMIB requests from those seeking to contact Jennifer, should instead email and Dave Foley will get requested information and respond to the query.
Bruce Oslund noted that weeds on the east side of lake near his residence are thicker than ever. This comment will be addressed in Jennifer's consultant report.
Bruce Oselund asked about the LMIB's approach to bass tournaments. This would be addressed in Dave Foley's comments.
1. Treasurer’s Report (Anderson) – The budget for 2011-2013 was approved in a motion made by Spoelman and seconded by Claypool.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Solomon) – Lake level is 1290.21 which is still above spring level.
3. Marking of lake obstacles as suggested by Ron Klimp (Foley) – Because the marking of obstacles is not part of the Purpose Statement of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board and not part of the Priority Goals and marking them could leave LMIB open to liability issues. LMIB will not mark obstacles. In the past markings have been provided by concerned lake residents.
4. LM Association mtg (Claypool/Engels)…JoAnn Engels, president, and Lois Poag, vice president of Lake Mitchell Association reported on their semi-annual Memorial Day weekend meeting. (Next meeting will be 10 AM Saturday, September 1 at Cherry Grove Fire Hall) At their meeting concerns were made about the weed problems in Lake Mitchell and the apparent inability of the LMIB to solve the problem. They would also like to know how to remove members. (This information will be put on the website in the near future.) They feel all members of LMIB should be on the lake waters frequently. They are preparing a survey which they hope to distribute to all Association members. The LMIB will make its 250 person email list available to the Association. Sperry Claypool from the LMIB was present at the meeting.
5. Affirm Assessment Roll changes (Foley).
Dave Foley made a motion seconded by Sperry Claypool to approve the following changes to the Lake Mitchell Improvement Roll:
1. Add an annual $550 commercial assessment to the property known as Pilgrim Village owned by Steve Knaisel.
2. 2) Add an annual $550 commercial assessment to the property known as Lakeside Charlie's owned by Kevin Hall.
3. Add an annual $275 residential assessment to each of the following four owners who purchased units in the Lake Mitchell Condominium complex: Rodney Gubancsik,Jeremy Winkle, Kelly and Randolph Porter, and Robert and Judy Hilty.
4. Randall Hill and the estate of Gary Donahue each had their assessments reduced by $275 as they combined existing lots into single entities.
The board unanimously approved this resolution on June 9, 2012.
6. Affirm Assessment Rolls (Foley) – As required by law, the LMIB must affirm its assessment rolls each year. Dave Foley made a motion which was seconded by Sperry Claypool to affirm the current rolls. The motion passed unanimously. A copy of this will be sent to the Equalization Office.
7. Reassignment of Board Responsibilities (Solomon) – Sperry Claypool will assist Dave Foley in keeping track of changes to assessment rolls and eventually take over that responsibility.
8. Consultant's Report (Jones-Jermalowicz) – On May 23rd and May 25th over 1900 GPS survey points were recorded and 270 acres of milfoil was found in the main lake and about 38 acres of nuisance vegetation and milfoil was marked in the coves and Torenta canal. Four years ago 450 acres were marked. However, the warm spring and having fewer days of ice cover has meant that, not only in Mitchell, but in the 40 lakes surveyed by LEI, this is the heaviest weed growth seen this early in the year ever.
Virtually all milfoil is a hybrid, which is resistance to typical dosage of 2- 4-D. To kill the hybrid, Renovate/Mag G, a systemic herbicide, will be used in the main lake. The more powerful contact herbicide Clipper will be used in the coves and canal. The spraying will be done, weather permitting, June 11-13. Visible damage to plants in main lake should be evident within 2-4 weeks. Cove vegetation should fall in 1-2 weeks.
Consultant's questions and answers with those in attendance:
Bob Salay – The coves need to be harvested to remove biomass. A harvester should be purchased. Jennifer – Aeration system may help remove biomass. Mike – The LMIB cannot purchase equipment. Perhaps cove residents should purchase harvester. Salay – The muck on bottom needs to be dealt with. Boats are fragmenting milfoil and spreading it.
Bruce Ostlund – Please make sure milfoil, not noted on maps, is also treated. Jennifer – They will treat all that they find. Shari made a motion seconded by Dave giving the herbicide applicator the power under the direction of the consultant to treat all milfoil areas found not noted on maps provided we remain with the amount budgeted for weed control.
Doug Osterbaan (Franke Cove) Weeds are worst in ten years. Can I cut my shore weeds before treatment? Cut them anytime but best is to wait until they are treated so they don't spread by fragmentation.
Clark (Teal Court) – Houghton Lake used SONAR. Can we? Jennifer – SONAR does not kill hybrid milfoil.
Jim Vick (Brandy Brook) – Hybrid is rampant around Brandy Brook Docks. Jennifer – It will be Clippered on June 11.
Marilyn Cleveland (Brandy Brook) – Would a moratorium on use of motorized boats help? Mike & Jennifer Although a voluntary moratorium on boat use just before and after chemical treatment would help minimize spread of milfoil by fragmentation, it would pose economic concerns to the community and be difficult to communicate to boaters.
Bob Salay – Why do property owners have to pay all of the expense of weed treatment when the city of Cadillac spreads the pay to all through a millage? Mike and Shari – Because all of Lake Cadillac is within the city limits, a millage is feasible. Lake Mitchell contains parts of two townships and a small portion of the city. To get all three entities to support a millage might be difficult.
Bruce Ostlund – Bass tournaments release all bass at the site of the weigh-in. Is there a way they can be distributed throughout the lake? Dave – Several years ago the LMIB operated a bass release pontoon boat and met all tournaments at the weigh-in and collected bass for Lake Mitchell then transported fish to different sections of the lake. It was labor intensive and the program was stopped after one year. If the Association would like to restart the program, the equipment is available.
*The LMIB welcomes all public input and appreciates adherence to the time limits established. Each period shall be limited to 15 minutes in total. Each person shall be limited to one three-minute comment per period. A group representative shall be limited to one five-minute comment per period.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board -- April 23, 2012 Minutes
B. ROLL CALL: All Present – Solomon, Spoelman, Dahlstrom, Claypool, Anderson. Foley and LEI consultant Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones
E. APPROVAL OF Minutes—February 21, 2012 - unanimous
1. Treasurer’s Report (Anderson) Balance as of 3/31/12 $179,706.99
2. Approval of Expenditures for website.(Foley)
Motion by Spoelman, 2nd by Dahlstrom to approve reimbursement of expenditures and pay editor's stipend to Foley ($825) and pay webmaster Jim Neff ($600). unanimous approval.
3. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Solomon) Current level 1290.14 is .14 above spring level. Earliest in 12 years to reach spring level. Dam is ½ open.
4. Approval of By-laws quorum/Conflict (Solomon)
5. Approval of wording changes for Public Comment rules (Spoelman)
Spoelman drafted a set of recommendations for public comments which were approved as part of the By-Laws.
Alan Anderson proofread and corrected By-laws making corrections and clarifications.
Motion by Spoelman; 2nd by Dahlstrom to approve additions and adjustments to By-Laws. Unanimous approval.
6. Approval of rewriting of Goal Statements (Solomon)Motion by Anderson by Claypool to approve Prioritized Goal Statement as modified. Unanimous approval.
7. Signing of USFS agreement using loosestrife beetles. (Solomon)
Kalamazoo Nature Center has been contracted to provide beetles to treat loosestrife infestation in coves. Treatment is paid by grant from USFS.
8. LEI report including Applicator contracts status. (Jones)
Jones noted that applicator permits were in review and will soon be approved.
Jones is drafting a performance/methods statement for applicators to bring to board for approval at next meeting.
A tentative workshop on best practices for lake management is being planned for June 9 beginning after LMIB meeting and going from 12-6. Locations being considered include Cherry Grove Fire Hall and Mitchell State Park.
Contracts for applicators have been sent to them.
Motion:Anderson moved and Spoelman 2nd a motion to approve the renewal of Paul McDonald as the head of the roadside pickup program for 2012 at the same rate ($7200) as 2011. Unanimous support.
Marilyn Cleveland asked if beetles could be planted in hard-to-reach areas of the coves as was assured by Jennifer that those who planted beetles were able to deal with difficult to reach loosestrife habitat.
J. Spoelman wondered if any phragmites was being treated. Jones said no plants were found in 2011.
Nan Vick complimented the LMIB on their developing by-laws and asked about loosestrife funding was told it was paid for USFS.
K. Jim Vick asked that the LMIB supervise work in coves to make sure prioritized goals were being met and also mentioned that the 100 foot from docks be used on properties w/o docks..
M. CHAIRMAN COMMENTS: Mike Solomon noted that the board was seeking to run more effective meetings by standards of Roberts Rules of Order but also wanted to continue to be sure attendees had a chance to speak.
POSTED: April 11, 2012
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes --February 21, 2012
B. ROLL CALL: Present: Solomon, Claypool, Anderson. Foley. Absent: Spoelman, Dahlstrom.
E. APPROVAL OF Minutes: Unanimous
Jack Prebay asked if chemical was applied by airplane. Mike Solomon said the practice of air dropping copper sulfate by air had been stopped when spraying for swimmer's itch was halted about 15 years ago.
1. Treasurer’s Report (Anderson) Update of current financials of LMIB
LMIB Revenue & Expenditure Worksheets
Balance as of 1/31/12: $177,115.74
$121,885 for chemical treatment
2,900 for chladophora
375 for loosestrife beetles
800 for phragmites
$125,960 potential total for chemical
Motion by Anderson seconded by Solomon to allocate $125 payment to Dave Foley for 2011 and first six months to 1 & 1 website host for maintaining subject to township approval.
The last $10,000 of 3 year Forest Service grant for weevil program Big Cove is available for loosestrife-eating beetles if Jennifer can procure them.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Solomon):
3. Current level 1298.5 – six inches below spring level. .6 of a foot above winter level. Dam will left open until ice out.
4. Approval of Weed Management Guidelines (Anderson):
5. Sperry Claypool and Alan Anderson revised Harvesting Guidelines to broaden their interpretation. Document is now known as Weed Management Guidelines.
6. Motion by Foley, seconded by Claypool to accept revision of the Weed Management Guidelines. Unanimous approval.
7. Approval of Public Comment rules (Spoelman) – This was tabled for next meeting due to Spoelman's absence.
8. Action on Herbicide Applicators Bids (Solomon)
9. After lengthy discussion, it was decided that applicator companies PLM and A & T Services will share the contract to treat Lake Mitchell in 2012. Each applicator will supply their own insurance. The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board will hold the permit.
10. Motion by Foley; seconded by Claypool to award contracts to both A & T Services and PLM to divide treatment of Lake Mitchell. Motionwithdrawn.
11. Motion by Anderson,seconded by Foley that, subject to the LMIB budget, PLM will treat the main lake for milfoil and A & T Services will treat the areas traditionally treated to provide navigation. Unanimous approval.
Motion by Foley, seconded by Claypool to approve the Aquatic Control Guarantee. Unanimous approval.
Motion by Claypool, seconded by Solomon to authorize a $1500 check to the State of Michigan to secure the permit for chemical application in Lake Mitchell in 2012. Unanimous approval.
J. Jack Prebay felt that the main part of Lake Mitchell had never been treated for weeds. Mike assured him that it was.
Jason Broekstra thanked the board for selecting PLM as an applicator for lake Mitchell.
Minutes submitted by Dave Foley.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes -- January 16, 2012
B. ROLL CALL: Present: Anderson, Solomon, Spoelman, Claypool, Dahlstrom, Foley and Jermalowicz-Jones from LEI
E. APPROVAL OF October 15, 2011 minutes: unanimous
1. Election of Officers: The following were elected unanimously by board members. Mike Solomon, president; Shari Spoelman, vice-president; Alan Anderson, treasurer; Dave Foley, secretary.
2. Treasurer’s Report (Anderson) Update of current financials of LMIB:
The balance as of 12/31/11 was $180,248.96.
3. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Solomon):Current Lake level is 12.89.6 ft. which is .4 ft. below spring level. Main gate of dam has been open since October and likely to stay open all winter.
4. Public Comment procedures during LMIB meetings:S. Spoelman pointed out that the LMIB needed rules of order that would allow public input yet be able to smoothly move through the meeting agenda.
Spoelman proposed that discussion continue to be allowed during consultant’s reports as well as allow board members to deliberate issues w/o additional influence during deliberation.
Spoelman made the following recommendations:
1. Public comment at beginning of meeting (3 minute limit per person, more for organization/groups/associations.)
2. No public comment during business meeting.
3. If individual or group has brought an issue to board he/she will be asked to represent it.
4. Question and answer period during consultant’s report (at end).
5. Public Comment at end of meeting.
The issue was discussed with public input and Spoelman and P. Dahlstrom will revise the draft for a future meeting.
5. By-laws…abstentions: M. Solomon w/ assistance from Spoelman proposed a new by-laws section for conflict of interest. Discussion followed and Anderson and Dahlstrom made suggestions that will become part of final draft.
5.5. Modification of harvest guidelines:
It was decided that the term”harvest” was no longer appropriate and that something like “Cove/canal Management Guidelines would more describe the procedures since cove/canal management could include several options including chemical application, harvesting, and laminar flow aeration. A. Anderson and S. Claypool will review harvest Guidelines and make changes there and in Prioritized Goal 2#.
6. Lakeshore Environmental Inc. Consultant’s Report (Jermalowicz-Jones)
A. LEI recommendation on long and short term program for Little Cove, Franke Coves and Torenta Canal: J.Jermalowicz-Jones recommended that the coves, following the Harvest Guidelines, be treated with Clipper at 400 ppb. Tests show that a single treatment of Clipper will kill plants for the entire season. Clipper is expensive and will consume a greater part of cove treatment budget than traditional control measures.
The Torenta Canal will be treated with chelated copper to control chladophora and contact herbicides such as Reward and Aquathol-K to decrease growth of nuisance plants.
Due to the high quantity of hybrid milfoil observed through the lake during October 2011 survey, use of strong 2,4-D product (Navigate or Renovate Max G > 150+ lbs per acre) is recommended.
Jermalowicz-Jones recommended that individual healthy plants be sent to SePRO laboratory for testing to determine the ideal dose and herbicide to be used in Lake Mitchell to control the hybrid milfoil. The test will cost $2500.
MOTION: Spoelman moved and Foley seconded a motion to do a the test of weed samples at SePRO lab at a cost of $2500.The Motion passed unanimously.
The weevils planted in Big Cove in 2010 are not making progress on the destruction of milfoil. The project will not be continued and the the last year of money from the Forest Service grant will be used to purchase galerucella beetles, which consume purple loosestrife. The beetles will be used on loosestrife plants in the coves and canal.
The phragmites treatment of 2010 near the Torenta Canal was successful as no new plants have appeared.
B. LEI recommendation on herbicide applicators for 2012:
Bids to be Lake Mitchell's chemical applicator were received from A&T ($160,500) and PLM ($138,300). The LMIB agreed that the treatment needed at least an 80% success rate w/ Eurasian water milfoil and the hybrid milfoil. From the bid it was unclear if PLM was offering this guarantee. Solomon proposed that the LMIB develop its own guarantees to be submitted to applicators and received board support so he and Jermoloweicz-Jones will move ahead on this.
The Board discussed the bids and considered splitting the applicator contract with one doing coves/canal and the other doing the main lake as well as the issue of guarantees. The board decided they did not have enough information to award a contract to an applicator. The contract will be awarded in a future meeting. To to get the process started the following motion was made:
MOTION: Solomon moved and Anderson seconded a motion to ask Jennifer to start permit process for chemical treatment in Lake Mitchell under the Improvement Board's name. The motion passed unanimously.
Jennifer will rework both bid proposals so that the LMIB will only have to pay one ($1000) permit application fee.
C. Public Hearing to consider new condo owners, Lakeside Charlies and Pilgrim Village: Lakeside Charlie's and PilgrimVillage have not been paying an assessment; each would be a two unit commercial ($550) assessment. In addition three new units in the Lake Mitchell Condominium have been sold and need to be assessed. All new assessments would be addressed in a public hearing at a future date.
D. Approval of Rolls for assessment:Foley will meet with Joe Porterfield at Equalization office to make sure this is done.
E. Meeting dates for 2012…Suggested: Monday, April 23; Saturday, June 9; Saturday, July 21; Saturday, August 11; Monday, October 1; also consider time schedule for new 3 to 5 year assessment period. MOTION: Foley motioned and Claypool seconded a motion to approve the 2012 meeting dates. Unanimous support.
Several comments were made. Ron Moelker pointed out that the Harvest Guidelines specified weed removal began at the end of the dock and extended out 100' and that the consultant delivered the weed control plan to the applicators and that they followed the consultant's plan. A resident of Franke Cove asked about the how Clipper would remove decayed matter. Another speaker asked Jennifer why coves/canal received a disproportionate amount of money to address these small waters way's needs. Jermalowicz-Jones indicated she would prepare a statement to address this situation. Another attendee complimented the board on their hard and dedication.
J. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS – Shari Spoelamn asked that a large map of Lake Mitchell be provided so Board members and audience could note specific locations that were discussed in the meeting.