Lake Mitchell Improvement Board
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting -- November 18, 2010
Call to Order: 10:00 am
Roll Call: Present - Larry Copley, Shari Spoelman, Alan Anderson, Mike Solomon; Absent - Dave Foley, Sperry Claypool
Additions/ Deletions to Agenda: Solomon asked that Establishing a Main Office, Lake Mitchell Water Quality Report and Appeal of Assessment be added to the agenda.
Approval of the Agenda: Unanimously approved
Approval of October 4, 2010 Minutes: Unanimously approved
Public Comments: Bill Weirsema supported the Board to move aggressively on EWM and noted changes in the lake over last 30 years.
Agenda Items
Treasurers Report: (Anderson) Update of current financials with a balance of $175,539.30.
Opening of Bid for Harvesting: Motion by Solomon; Support by Anderson to accept PLM bid - Unanimously approved.
Opening of Bid for Herbicide Treatment: Motion by Solomon; Support by Spoelman to accept the bid from A & T Services - Unanimously approved. Noted by Anderson that the selection was based on
the recommendations of LEI, competitive bidding, and successful past performance.
Special Assessment Master List was provided by Copley and presented to LEI and an extra copy for Foley. Copley noted it needed to be updated at the end of the year to reflect the State Board of
Review and modifications approved by the LMIB.
Designation of the Cherry Grove Township Hall as the Main Office of the LMIB. Motion by Solomon; Support by Spoelman - Unanimously approved.
Solomon passed out copies of the Maxwell and Powell appeal. Judgment was for the LMIB in the Maxwell Appeal and the Judge closed the case on Powell. Motion by Copley; Support by Solomon to accept
the letter from the Tribunal - Unanimously approved.
Solomon Distributed Copies of the 2002 to 2010 Water Quality Report for Lake Mitchell and briefly discussed it.
H. Public Comment: General discussion
I. Meeting was adjourned at 10: 57 am
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting - October 4, 2010
A. Call to Order: 5:35
B. Roll Call: Present - Larry Copley, Shari Spoelman, Sperry Claypool, Alan Anderson, Dave Foley: Absent - Mike Solomon.
C. Additions/Deletions to Agenda - none
D. Approval of the Agenda - unanimously approved.
E. Approval of July 24 Minutes - unanimously approved
F. Public Comments - none
G. Agenda Items
Treasurer's Report (Alan Anderson)
Expected revenue for the next fiscal year is $199,764.
Balance on 6/30/10 was $26,638.
Expenditures for next fiscal year are expected to be $182, 480 (199,764 less 17,284 in contingency funds.)
Balance June 30, 2011 is $79,781.83. $53,393.80 in June expenses are not included in this figure. The actual year end closing balance is $26,638.03. Projected balance for June 30, 2011 is
A. Dave Foley submitted bills totaling $143.83 to cover annual fees to website, including $50 for registration to MCNALMS conference on lake management. The Board passed a
motion unanimously to support this motion.
Special Weed Pick Up Discussion - Dave Foley reported that a lake resident inquired about having weed pick up extend into September due to heavy winds early in the month. It was decided to
revisit this issue when dates are established for weed pick up for 2011.
Special Assessment District Modifications. The following were all approved by motions that were approved unanimously:
A. Swiger Combinations - Back lot and front lot combination = decrease of $138
B. Huckle Reduction - Lot once classified as lakefront does not touch lake = decrease of $275.
C.Findlay Combination - Lakefront lot has never been assessed. Action to be taken at future public hearing (2013) to add Findlay lot to assessment roll.
D.Saigh Combination - Back lot and lakefront lot combined = decrease of $138.
E. Vander Baan Combined two front lots = decrease of $275.
4. Special Assessment List (Larry Copley)
A. Motion to accept Special assessment master list. Motion Dave Foley 2nd Sperry Claypool. Unanimous approval.
5.Selection of Chairperson to replace Larry Copley who is no longer a county commissioner. Mike Solomon has demonstrated interest in the position and the board unanimously endorsed the idea. The
board thanked Larry for his service as chairman.
6.The schedule for 2011 Improvement Board meetings was proposed.
Monday April 25
Saturday June 11
Saturday July 23
Saturday August 13
Monday, October 3
Alan Anderson made a motion and Sperry offered a second to approve the 2011 schedule of meetings. It was approved unanimously.
Lakeshore Environmental Inc. report: (Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones)
A. Analysis of milfoil stems in Big Cove area planted with 10,000 weevils in 2009 showed show degradation of stems caused by weevils however,damage was not extensive. It appears that weevils will
not be successful in milfoil control in Lake Mitchell. The National Forest Service which has contributed $10,000 to this program will be asked if they will make this annual contribution available
for other means of control of milfoil or perhaps loosestrife.
B. Although the herbicide treatment of the south and east sides of Mitchell were successful. Plants on the north and west of the lake proved somewhat resistant to the treatment. During the winter
other options will be explored which will deal with this milfoil which appears to be a hybrid plant.
C. Zebras mussels have been found in Lake Cadillac and are likely in Lake Mitchell. Currently a chemical that may kill zebra mussels is being tested. If a zebra mussel problem occurs in Lake
Mitchell,a treatment will be considered.
D. The board passed a motion instructing Jennifer to solicit bids for harvesting and treatment by October 29. The board will meet soon after bids are ready and select applicator and harvester for
8. Sperry Claypool announced that lake residents have responded to the program of litter pickup along roads around the lake. The road commission will put up signs indicating the Lake Mitchell
Association has adopted these roadways and will keep themclean.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:53.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes - July 14, 2010
13 attended
A. Call to Order: 10:02
B. Roll Call: All members present: Larry Copley, Sperry Claypool, Mike Solomon, Shari Spoelman, Alan Anderson. Dave Foley, plus LEI consultant Jennifer Jones-Jermalowicz.
C. Additions/ Deletions to the Agenda: None
D. Approval of Agenda: Unanimous
E. Approval of July 30, 2010 Special Meeting Minutes: Spoelman’s absence not noted. Correction made; then unanimous support.
F. Public Comments:
Lois Poag turned over her LMIB records to Sperry Claypool who succeeded her as representative at large. Lois had served on board 22 years as president and member.
Dale Bouma reported that the properties just west of Camp Torenta had weeds that had not been harvested or treated. Later in the meeting this issue was addressed.
G. Agenda Items:
1. Treasurer’s Report (Anderson):
G. Agenda Items:
1. Treasurer’s Report as of June 30, 2010 (Anderson)
The following illustrates how close we come in our ability to meet expenses.
Balance $79,781.83
Pending expenses for Jue not yet recorded - $53,393.80
Predicted July 1 Balance $ 26,388.03 .
Pending expenses for July $26,245.00
Balance $143.03
Projected tax collections (LMIB revenue) for July $8000-$10000.which should cover upcoming expenses in August.
It was also noted that the amount spent for chemical treatment in June and July totaled $130,670, when the initial estimate for chemical treatment was $83,000.
Jennifer explained that higher application expense was due to several factors:
1) Although Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) plant density was less than in previous years, the acreage treated, instead of being lower this year, (200 acres was projected) the acreage was 385, about
the same as in 2009.
2) Concerns that EWM had grown resistant to the 100 pounds per acre dosage of 2-4-D used in previous years, the dosage was raised to 120 pounds per acre.
3) Renovate OTF, a more expensive chemical, was used along the north shore to test its effectiveness on EWM.
Motion was passed unanimously to pay A & T for chemical application.
Harvesting expenses -
Chladophora harvesting in Torenta Canal $2900
Harvesting in coves $7200.
Total $10,100 There was confusion on this as harvesting bill on this issue. While harvesting bills totaled $10,100, Jennifer explained that the $7200 bill was an overcharge and should have been $
4680. This is being addressed with the vender. The $7200 invoice has not been paid. The harvesting total should have been $7580 (instead of $10,100), and this will improve the $143.03 balance
noted above.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report(Solomon):
Recent heavy rains including 3 ½ inches on July 13 have raised lake level to 1290.03 which is slightly above spring level. The dam is open to lower lake level.
A. Draft of Meaning of Success Policy Document. Submitted and prepared by Mike w/ assistance from LMIB members. Minor corrections were made to document which was then approved by motion passed
unanimously by LMIB Board. Motion by Alan. Seconded by Shari.
The corrected document is the following:
Measures of Success for EWM management for LMIB
Recognizing that EWM may be controlled but will not be eradicated the success for the annual treatment of EWM in Lake Mitchell is to be measured over the next 5 years by the following:
All EWM outside of weevil treatment areas will be treated using systemic herbicides on an annual basis.
A minimum reduction of at least 10 acres of EWM per year of the total area that "tops out" at the surface of the water column.
A 10% minimum annual reduction in the area treated for EWM on an annual basis.
A 5 year goal of having less than 100 acres requiring herbicide treatment.
Annual oversight and graphic illustration or documentation that all identified areas of EWM are treated with a systemic herbicide provided by August 15th.
3. Special Assessment District Modifications (Copley):
Two property owners (Taylor and Boozer) combined their lots to reduce number of parcels assessed.
A. Taylor Combinations: Motion by Shari/2nd by Mike. Approved.
B. Boozer Combinations: Motion by Dave/ 2nd by Shari. Approved.
4. Lakeshore Environmental Inc. Consultant’s Report (Jermalowicz-Foley):
A. 2010 Lake Mitchell Weed Control Update:
1686 GPS grid points marked showed 385 acres of milfoil which was treated by 2-4-D and Renovate OTF. Treatment appears to be successful.
18 acres harvested in coves plus chladophora harvesting in Torenta Canal.
Phragmites treatment coming in mid-August. Loosestrife treatment cancelled due to budget shortfall.
Water clarity as measured by Dave Foley with Secchia Disk is 6 ½ to 7 ½ feet. versus usual 5-6 feet (omitting 2009 with algae bloom). Improved clarity may be due to spreading out of chemical
treatment (due to weather) over a span of a week to ten days. Usually treatment is done in 1-2 consecutive days. Sudden influx of great quantities of chemical may cause algae blooms which reduce
There were concerns that swimming was curtailed for the days chemical was applied. In reality there is no science to back DNR recommended swimming ban. Since all 2-4-D is applied at least 300
feet from shore and few people swim that far from shore, swimmers will not be affected by 2-4-D.
Thick weeds have been found near the three docks that are immediately west of the Camp Torenta property. In previous years this area was harvested. Apparently this information was not passed on
to the harvester and the weeds here which appear later in the season were not noticed. Rather than have the harvester travel all the way north again for this small area, it will be treated in
August by A & T when it returns to treat the phragmites and acres missed by initiation EWM treatment. These docks near Torenta will be surveyed for weeds in 2011.
Requests have been made to mark rock and shallow hazards in the lake. It was pointed out that if the Board undertakes this project they would liable if boats hit hazards in the lake.
Ron Moelker from South Franke Cove has requested another treatment for weeds in the cove. South Franke is willing to pay for this. Jennifer will check the Cove on July 26 and will then contact
Ron to work out a plan.
Jim Vick has requested a second harvest in Little Cove. Based on financial concerns and priorities listed on "Harvest Guidelines." A second harvest is unlikely this year..
Jennifer, in her July 26 survey, will also check Camp Torenta Canal to assess what can be done to chladophora which has returned.
A. Correspondence: None
B. Public Comments: None
C. Committee Member Comments: None
D. Chairman Comments: None
E. Adjournment: 11:56
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting -- June 16, 2010
A. Call to Order: 10:04
B. Roll Call: Present; Solomon, Copley, Claypool, Anderson, Foley. Absent; Spoelman
C. Additions / Deletions: Add 6. - Johnson assessment change.
D. Approval of Agenda: Unanimous
E. Approval of May 12 and May 21 Minutes: Unanimous
F. Public Comments:
1. Mark Crosby - Could Township Parks be improved? Boat ramps need attention.
Claypool - Bring this to attention of township boards, although they are financially strapped right now.
2. John Spencer - The chladophora harvesting in the Camp Torenta Canal looks great! Too bad harvester has to haul the loads all the way to Hemlock Park. The Canal Association owns 15’ of
shoreline along the north shore. Could it be dumped there?
Solomon, Foley - Already 13 loads, each being 3-4 cubic feet of biomass have been harvested. Total when it is finished on June 12 should be 18-20 loads. We will check on the 15 feet for dumping
although it doesn’t seem to have access for a vehicle.
Jennifer - We may try Phycomycin, chemical which helps degrade algae.
3. Crosby - Has the recent timber harvest on the north shore caused runoff problems.
Solomon - No, the hydrologized study said the project would not be harmful.
4. Crosby - Could walleye habitat/spawning reefs be added to Lake Mitchell by DNRE.
Foley - The DNRE is not planning any projects of this nature at this time.
5. Crosby - The chemical application notice says that watering is restricted for four months or "indefinite". When can we water?
Jennifer - For very small ponds with no active flow the restriction would be long. In a lake like Mitchell where the water is circulated by wind and currents, irrigation can begin two weeks after
G. Agenda Items
1. Treasurer’s Report (Anderson): Balance on hand as of April 30 was $149, 685.40. By June 2nd we will have paid about $49, 800 for chemical. We also will spend about $7000 for harvesting, $2600
for chladophora, $2025 for weed pickup. We will carry over about $50,000.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Solomon): The lake is just above its spring level which is about normal for this time of the year.
3. Catch and Release Program (Foley): Because docking at Four Winns Test Center currently is unavailable until the Test Center opens, the bass release program has been postponed for this
4. Lake Mitchell Association Update (Claypool): Sperry Claypool, a member of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board representing the Lake Mitchell Association, is coordinating the Association’s
participation in the Wexford County Road Commission’s ADOPT A ROAD program. This entails finding volunteers to pick up the trash lying along the road. The biggest need is in areas without homes
fronting on the road. The Road Commission will install signs telling that public that the Lake Mitchell Association has taken on this project. They will also provide bags if needed.
5. Lakeshore Environmental Inc. Consultant’s Report (Jermalowicz-Jones)(Foley) The harvest in the Camp Torenta Canal will pull up 18-20 loads, each being about 3-4 cubic yards of chladophora when
it finishes on June 12.
The harvester will be cutting in Lake Mitchell on the week leading up to the 4th of July.
The chemical application was carried out June 8-10 and was halted due to high winds on June 10. It will resume on June 14-15. This year about 250 acres of milfoil were found compared to 385 acres
last year. Application is difficult since milfoil is in scattered patches all over the lake. The GPS marking is accurate to within 2 feet making the pinpointing of milfoil more precise. Three to
four weeks after the initial treatment there may be a second spot treatment.
Loosestrife beetles will be planted in mid to late July.
There is a small patch of loosestrife located on the tip of the peninsula at Camp Torenta. Dave Foley will try to find someone or group to dig up the plants.
Jennifer is researching the possibility of using an algae killing chemical.
Phragmites will be treated later in the summer, which is considered the best time to eradicate this invasive plant.
6. Assessment Change Request: Mike Solomon made a motion seconded by Al Anderson to approve the request of Michael Johnson who lives at 4585 W. Lake Mitchell, to reduce his assessment three units
to one unit. He made this request because his home sits on all three of the small lots. The motion was approved unanimously.
H. Public Comments: No additional comments.
I. Adjournment: 10:57
Lake Mitchell Special Improvement Board Meeting -- May 10, 2010
Called to order: 12:07
Roll Call: Present; Larry Copley, Mike Solomon, Shari Spoelman, Dave Foley
April 26, 2010 minutes approved unanimously.
No public comments
Agenda Item
Selection of Lake Mitchell Association Representative for LMIB.
Sperry Claypool, Jim Kenyon, and Bob Salay applied for the position and submitted questionnaires.
After discussion Sperry Claypool was selected for membership on the board.
Meeting adjourned: 12:20
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting Minutes -- April 26, 2010
A. Called to Order - 3:01
B. Roll Call- Present - Larry Copley, Shari Spoelman, AlanAnderson, Dave Foley, Absent - Mike Solomon
C. Additions/Deletions - additions To G4; add C. and D. .
D. Agenda Approved - unanimous
E. Approval of minutes - unanimous for January 30, 2010 meeting
F. Public Comments - JoAnn Engels presented three names as possible replacement for at-large member vacancy
G. Agenda Items
1. Treasurer Report (Alan Anderson) - Current balance is $145,676.26 which is enough to meet expected bills through June.
Motion was passed giving the treasurer the authority to approve bill payment for items already authorized in the budget.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Mike Solomon) - Levels are nearly normal
3. Bass Catch and Release Program (Dave Foley) -
Motion made by Foley seconded by Anderson to suspend bass release program for one year (primarily because closure of Four Winns test Center where bass release boat had been docked).
4. Lakeshore Environmental INC Consultant’s Report (Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones)
A. 2010 Lake Mitchell Weed Control Update. - GPS survey of lake tentatively scheduled for May 22-30 with chemical application soon after survey.
Dave Foley asked Jennifer to be sure that PLM, the harvester, make sure they are able to bring a harvester with a small enough mesh to collect chladophora when the harvester is run through the
Dave asked that no CuSO4 be applied to Lake Mitchell and Jennifer assured him that none would be used.
B. Second Hearing Update - When townships updated their assessment rolls, 23-28 changes to the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board’s assessment list were noted and a special meeting/public hearing
will be held at 6 PM, Friday, May 21 at Cherry Grove Fire Hall to recognize these changes and hear appeals.
C. Amendment to Contractor’s Contract - Chemical company’s tightening credit has forced contractors to request a significant amount of money being paid upfront. To address this concern Dave made
the following motion which was seconded by Shari : Motion: The LMIB agrees to pay A&T Service, LCC 60% of the total estimated treatment costs in advance. The total estimated cost will be
determined by the consultant following a spring survey of the treatment needs on Lake Mitchell. The A&T Service agrees that if 60% of the estimated project cost is paid in order to purchase
chemicals, any failed acreage* from the initial treatment must be re-treated at no cost to the LMIB, and A&T Service is responsible for assuming additional costs.
* "failed acreage" includes targeted aquatic plants that fail to die after receiving a chemical dosage from the contracted applicator.
D. Improvement Board Vacancy - JoAnn Engels, the Lake Mitchell Association president, submitted the names of Robert Salay, Sperry Claypool, and Jim Kenyon, all of whom would like to be appointed
to fill the at-large representative. The LMIB will draft a questionnaire to be filled out by the candidates. This questionnaire, which will be completed prior to the May 21 meeting, will help the
LMIB in making their selection.
H. Correspondence - none
I. Public Comments
Bob Salay asked the board to consider using copper sulfate for weed and algae control. Jennifer provided scientific rationale for why the LMIB will not be using CuSo4.
Tom Talluto asked that the board notify canal residents when the cladophora algae will be harvested so moored boats can be moved from the canal. Dave Foley offered to contact those on the email
list who in turn will notify the other property owners. Jennifer said we should be able to set a harvest date about two weeks before the event.
Sperry Claypool outlined a plan adopting a road to periodically clear the roadside of litter. Claypool though the Road Commission could provide permanent signs and plastic bags. The roadsides to
be cleaned are areas not developed, primarily along north side of lake as well as stretches of Pole Road as Sunset Point Road. The Lake Mitchell Association may undertake this project.
Gordon Maxwell suggested that when paying in advance we should have both the names of the contractor and the manufacturer supplier’s name on the check. Jennifer said that this policy was already
in effect.
J. Committee Member Comments - none
K. Chairmen Comments - none
L. Adjournment - 4:10
Public Hearing of Practicality -- January 30, 2010
40 in attendance
Larry Copley, Board president, explained the nature of and proceedings for the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Public Hearing.
Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones, consultant from Lakeshore Environmental gave a half-hour presentation on the Management Plan for Lake Mitchell for 2010.
LMIB Chairman, Larry Copley opened up the floor for questions and comments. The following voiced their opinion:
1. Jim Robertson - Do you have an order that you follow as you implement control measures? Jennifer: Chemical treatment is done in late-May early June as Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) appears. The
after EWM dies in 10 days to 2 weeks, harvesting begins (late June). EWM weevils are introduced at the appropriate time in their life cycle (July).
2. Terry McBride - Are cost figures skewed high? Mike: Yes, We budgeted at the high end and hope costs will be less.
3. Jerry VanStee - What is the cost of weevils? Jennifer: $1.30 per weevil. Jerry: Weevils didn’t work in Bear Lake. Jennifer: That pilot program did not go well.
4. Tom Oliver - Why were the other programs in former years less successful? Jennifer: We tripled the number of grid points to 990 to get a more comprehensive study of the location of EWM in Lake
5. Tom Talluto - Besides fish, what other predators will go after weevils. Jennifer: When they overwinter on shore, muskrats might consume them but we have little research to go on in this area.
How often do you have replenish weevils? Jennifer: In lakes where they are naturally occurring and there is a good stock you might only need ad 25% in succeeding years. If this is an initial
plant, you might have to add 50% when you restock.
6. Rick Hodges - What was the cause of the big algae bloom this summer? Jennifer: We’re not sure, and major blooms occurred in many lakes this year. The Lake Mitchell bloom was not toxic and
while unsightly it blocked sunlight from penetrating so we had less weed growth this summer.
7. Mark Crosby - I have three questions. What about seed banks? Jennifer: Seed banks in the lake bottom can create new growth years after living plants have been killed. In a shallow lake, windy
days rile the water putting seeds in the water column where they may be redistributed or washed to where they may not sprout.
Jennifer: We have two species of milfoil in the lake, native and Eurasian. The two may crossbreed creating a hybrid that is resistant to 2-4-D usual doses. This has happened so the dosage of
2-4-D will be slightly increased this year.
The phosphorus buildup in the lake is a problem. Storm run-off, swamp drainage through feeder streams, and use of phosphorus in lawn fertilizers all contribute to the increase of phosphorus
8. Tom Oliver Jr. - Who paid for Franke Cove dredging? Mike: The property owners of Franke Cove each paid $9000 - $11,000. LMIB funds were not used. Jennifer: It would be significantly more
expensive to dredge Little Cove.
9. Bob Salay - The Franke Cove dredging extended 75 feet from shore and was 6-10 feet deep. The entry to the cove was also dredged. Dredging was only allowed in areas that had been previously
dredged. The center section was not touched and is shallow and weedy.
10. Jim Vick - Is the person contracted for harvesting this year aware of the guidelines? Jennifer: Yes, and he will be required to follow them with appropriate surveys done before and after
11. Bob Salay - Why don’t we buy a harvester? Mike: We explored this at one time and found out that the LMIB cannot legally own a harvester (or other equipment)). Dave: In talking with one lake
board in New York that purchased one, they warned of all the headaches of determining the harvesting schedule, quality control, liability for mistakes, and how often and where harvesting is done.
Foley encouraged interested parties to check with other lakes that own harvesters to see how they manage the project.
12. Steve Goebel -How long has the LMIB used GPS system for locating EWM? Jennifer: Last year was the first time that 990 points were used (versus about 1/3 of that in previous years by
previously employed engineering company.)
13. Bob Salay - A neighbor of his uses a bubbler to move sediment away from his dock. Jennifer: A bubbler is different from a Laminar Aerator, which uses a non-bubbling flow to deal with
14. Jim Ransom - Heard that you can get rid weeds if you get rid of harvesters. Harvesters spread weeds. Jennifer: This may true if harvesters cut living EWM which spreads by fragmentation. In
Lake Mitchell we kill EWM with chemical so it can’t spread before we harvest it.
15. Tom Dean - With all the chemical going into the lake how does that effect water quality and fish populations. Minnows are in short supply. 16. Jim Ransom Where are the mayflies? Mike and
Jennifer: 2-4-D and other chemicals currently used dissipate within a few days leaving no trace, Copper sulfate, which was used for many years to control swimmer’s itch, left a permanent deposit
of copper. That may have killed mayflies, although mayflies are disappearing all over the Midwest in lakes never treated with copper sulfate. Copper sulfate hasn’t been used in our lakes for at
least ten years.
17. Mike Daly Why not stop using harvesters and just treat with chemicals? Jennifer: Pond weeds, lily pads and emergent plants in coves aren’t effectively treated with chemicals. Harvesters
remove biomass rather than let it build up and clog shallow waters. Mike: Could we use liquid 2-4-D? Jennifer: we must use pellets since DEQ won’t permit us to use liquid which can be a problem
on windy days which spread liquid chemicals but not pellets which sink to the bottom.
18. Email to LMIB from Kurt Meister (read by Dave and paraphrased ) Email wonders that since coves and other areas that are harvested, receive special attention not given to other parts of the
lake, could these property owners be assessed double their normal assessment to pay for extra services?
19. Bob Salay - What about replenishing fish stocks such as walleye? Mike and Dave: Although a low priority on the LMIB list of goals, if Association wanted to make it a priority, it could be
undertaken. Dave will continue to work with Mark Tonello of DNR to see if DNR can make additional walleye plantings.
20. Mark Crosby - Could the board check with DNR about improving spawning grounds for walleye and investigate ways of removing sediment (using microbes) Jennifer: Getting organic matter consumed
by microbes could be an expensive proposition (using Laminar Aerators) but if Association deems it a priority it could be undertaken, although assessments would likely increase.
21. Mike Daly - Are native weeds increasing? Dave and Jennifer: Perhaps. However, with presence of milfoil, it is hard to tell and native weeds may fill in when milfoil disappears. Plus year to
year fluctuations in weed populations make it hard to predict. The increasing amount of biomass on bottom from decaying weeds makes for more fertile area for future growth.
22. Tom Oliver Jr. - Where are the zebra mussels? Jennifer: Zebra mussels apparently don’t do well in soft water lakes like Mitchell. If zebra mussels become concentrated in Mitchell, increased
water clarity would allow weeds to grow at deeper depths and zebra mussels consumption of zoo plankton would lead to more algae blooms.
23. Dean Henkel - Are our lakes dying? Jennifer: Yes, but it may take hundreds of years for them to revert to being bogs. Our lake management efforts are designed to keep them healthier for more
24. Bob Miller - Why don’t we assess businesses, users of boat ramps, and the State Park so they can help fund our lake management program? Jennifer: We don’t, under Improvement Board Act, have
authority to make other funding arrangements fund other than property owner assessments. Dave: We thoroughly explored lake assessment options two years ago and wrote grants. We received an annual
grant of $10,000 from National Forest Service for Hemlock Park to fund our weevil planting program. We also obtained monies equivalent to assessing land of townships parks $2750 annually. In
addition Dave Foley has developed a state initiative to raise boat registration fees and create a stamp for out-of-state boaters to create funds for battling invasives in inland lakes. This
initiative is not going forward at this time due to state’s financial woes.
11:44 end of comment period.
Mike made a motion seconded by Dave to pass a resolution to proceed with Improvements to Lake Mitchell at the same rate of assessment. The Board Chairman called the roll and all Board members
approved the motion.
11:58 First Public Hearing ends
Second Public Hearing: Review of Apportionments Hearing
Presentation of Special Assessment Roll
Chairman opens hearing to Q and A.
1. Jim Robertson (owner of Pine Chata Resort) - Larry explained that Commercial assessments were $550 and commercial lakefront and backlot were assessed at the same rate. Larry: My property does
not have a deeded access, but may have dedicated access. I believe the access is public. Larry: We will research this and I will work with you to get this right.
2. Gordon Maxwell – According
to law, an assessment must raise property value at least as much as the cost of the assessment. Can you show me that this has happened and that the assessment has raised my property value. The
burden should be on the LMIB to prove the benefit of the assessment. Larry: We do not have the research to prove this. You would need to go through a tax tribunal to prove your point. With
slumping economy taking the economy down, it gets even harder to determine whether an assessment benefits your property. Jennifer: Extensive property valuations need to be done, and they haven’t
3. Jim Ransom – Larry: If you have separate lots you can combine them and lower the number of assessments you pay. If your lots are in separate sub-divisions, the LMIB can help you so you are not unfairly assessed.
If you have a concern about your assessment or wish to protest your assessment, you need to contact Larry Copley within thirty days to register your concern. and 231-876-0351
Motion made by Mike and seconded by Alan in the form of a resolution confirming special assessment roll and directing the collection of special assessments for Improvements to Lake Mitchell. The assessment roll yields annually approximately $188,000 annually as determined by the municipal treasurer. This money is collected during the summer assessment beginning June 27 through September 14. Roll call was taken and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:52
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting -- January 30, 2010
January 30, 2010
40 in attendance
A. Called to Order: 10:00
B. Roll Call – Present Larry Copley, Mike Solomon, Alan Anderson, Shari Spoelman,
Dave Foley and Lakeshore Environmental Consultant Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones. Absent: Lois Poag.
C. Additions/Deletions – Welcome to new member Shari Spoelman and opening of weed Hauler bids.
D. Approval of Agenda - unanimous
E. Approval of December 22, 2009 minutes – one correction then unanimous approval.
F. Public Comments – none
G. Agenda Items
1. Treasurer’s Report (Alan Anderson) Expenses for 2009 - $182, 996. Current balance is 145,485
Cherry Grove Township has paid $1100 (based on treating its two public accesses each as commercial $550 2-unit parcels). Selma Township, with its funds already allocated will pay $1650 for its three accesses in the 2010-11 fiscal year. See also treasurer documents, available by consulting Dave Foley or Alan Anderson, for more detailed reports.
The LMIB will go to July 1- June 30 fiscal year beginning July 2010. A six-month budget will carry us to July 1, 2010.
2. Drain Commissioner’s Report (Mike Solomon) Lake level is 12:89.7 and dropping. Dam is open and will continue to be until after spring run-off.
3. Lois Poag resigns. After spending twenty years on the Board, many of those as its president, Lois h resigned because of health reasons. The Board expressed their thanks for her service and passed a motion accepting her resignation.
Dave Foley will inform JoAnn Engels, president of the Lake Mitchell Association that she should present to the Board the names of three possible candidates to succeed Lois Poag.
4. Shari Spoelman Joins Board. Shari Spoelman will replace James Dean, who after not being reelected to the City Commission, had to step down.
5. Paul McDonald awarded 2010 Weed Hauler contract. Scott Graham submitted a bid for $7600, but contract goes to Paul McDonald with a bid of $7500 and a record of satisfactory service over the last two years. Mike made a motion seconded by Alan to award McDonald the Contract for 2010. Motion was passed unanimously.
Business meeting was adjourned at 10:18