Lake Mitchell Improvement Board
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Special meeting minutes -- October 15, 2007
Following are the minutes of a special meeting of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board held on Monday October 15, 2007 at 5:30 P.M. in the Cherry Grove Municipal Building located at 4830 East
M-55, Cadillac, Michigan 49601.
Meeting Called To Order
Ms. Lois Poag Chairperson of The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board called the meeting to order at 5:30 P.M. Monday October 15, 2007.
Roll Call
Members Present: Larry W. Copley, Lois Poag, Raymond Mayer &. Michael Solomon
Members Absent: David Foley &. James Dean
Approval of Agenda
Raymond Mayer made a motion that the meeting for the special meeting of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board be approved as presented. Lois Poag seconded the motion.
All in attendance approved the motion unanimously.
Public Comments
Chairperson Poag announced that the meeting was open to public comments. Even though in accordance with the "Open Meetings Act," the agenda of the meeting had been posted on the Cherry Grove
Township Office door since Thursday October 11, 2007 there was no one from the public in attendance.
1. Members Larry Copley and Michael Solomon and Cherry Grove Township Treasurer Margo Copley. Presented a draft of the "Criteria" for development of parameters to be used by the Assessor(s) of
Cherry Grove and Selma Township as well as the City of Cadillac in their review and development of the Lake Mitchell Assessment District Master Assessment List.
After making changes to the draft a motion for acceptance of the document now labeled "CRITERIA FOR LAKE MITCHELL SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT APPROVED OCT. 15, 2007," was made by Michael Solomon
and seconded by Raymond Mayer.
All in attendance approved the motion unanimously. (See Attached)
2. Members Larry Copley and Michael Solomon and Cherry Grove Township Treasurer Margo Copley. Presented a draft of a proposed letter requesting that the Assessor(s) of Cherry Grove and Selma
Township as well as the City of Cadillac be hired to development a Master Assessment List for the Lake Mitchell Assessment District.
This letter outlined the format and criteria that was to be considered by the assessors and specified that this document be returned in an EXCEL Format to the Office of Michael Solomon via email
on or before April 1, 2008.
Further, both Larry Copley and Michael Solomon were tasked to be liaisons with the various assessors should further clarification be necessary.
Chairperson, Lois Poag shall sign the letter and secure the services of the Assessor(s) of Cherry Grove and Selma Township as well as the City of Cadillac. (See Attached)
Once the Master Assessment List for the Lake Mitchell Assessment District is presented to Michael Solomon a special meeting of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board shall be called on Tuesday April
5, 2008 at 5:30 P.M. in the Cherry Grove Municipal Building located at 4830 East M-55, Cadillac, Michigan 49601 for review and acceptance of this list.
Those in attendance authorized the above concepts.
Board Comments
Chairperson Comments
Michael Solomon made a motion for adjournment and was seconded by Larry Copley. All in attendance approved the motion unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes - October 1, 2007
Called to order: 5:31 P.M.
Members Present: Lois Poag, Mike Solomon, Ray Mayer, Larry Copley, as well as Cherry Grove Treasurer Margo Copley and Progressive Engineering Representative Pam Tyning.
Members Absent: James Dean
Secretary’s report: Motion to approve minutes; Larry. Second; Mike. Unanimous approval.
Drain Commissioner’s Report: Lakes are down 12" from spring level.
Treasurer’s Report: Full report is attached.
Jan.1 - September 30, 2007
Expenditure Budgeted $247, 491.01 Expenses 104, 617.14
Revenue Budgeted $247, 491.01 Revenue Received $155,296.16
(Chemical Treatment spent $84,526 Chemical Treatment Budgeted $120, 000)
( Harvesting budgeted $20, 000 Harvesting Expense ????)
Motion: The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board will have a deficit plan in line with the State of Michigan. Motion; Dave; Second, Larry. Unanimous approval.
Deficit Elimination Plan:
The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board prepares a budget which reflects their operations from year Jan. 1 to Dec. 31; however the LMIB’s fiscal year is based (like Selma and Cherry Grove townships)
on a fiscal year that begins on June 30. A June 12 bill from Professional Lake Management for $84,256 created a LMIB fund balance deficit of $31,787.23 on June 30 at the end of the Cherry Grove
Township's fiscal year. Payment was delayed per prior agreement until summer lake assessments were collected. This occurred in July, August and September. Payment in full has occurred and the
deficit eliminated. All bills are paid up to date and the Board has a positive fund balance of $52,738.77 as of Sept. 30, 2007. The Revenue and Expense report for Jan. 1-Sept. 30, 2007 are
Old Business:
Assessment Criteria: Margo suggested we submit our basic assessment criteria to the assessors and then let them begin working at the agreed upon price per parcel. As complexities arrive that LMIB
may not have addressed they will contact the subcommittee the direction. The subcommittee will come to the LMIB with questions clarifying our criteria. The LMIB accepted the recommendation.
Assessment interpretations: Molly Whetstone from the equalization office sent us questions regarding proper assessments. All answers to the questions were agreed upon by LMIB. Larry, Mike, and
Margo offered to discuss these and document it in a form acceptable for the assessors to use and return to the LMIB with their recommendations. This document will be informally circulated to
interested LMIB members for their comments before handing it to the assessors so they can begin their review. Lois stated that she wanted to be involved.
Motion: Dave made a motion which was seconded by Larry to form a sub committee to interpret some assessment questions that had been raised by Molly Whetstone. The committee would then report
their findings to the LMIB. Unanimous approval of the motion.
New Business:
Chladphora concerns: Dave Foley relayed Jim Vick’s concerns about a buildup of chladophora in the area of Brandy Brook and the Brandy Brook docks to Pam Tyning asking what could be done.
The problem was successfully dealt with several years ago by a harvester who has since gone out of business. PLM doesn’t have the equipment to do the job. Pam will ask PLM what the cost would be
to either purchase the equipment or modify existing equipment and then to do the necessary work. She will also supply the names of the two other harvesting operations in Michigan so that they may
be contacted to see if they can do the work. This project will be completed before spring.
Bass tournament fish release program: Dave reported that Track and Trail will supply a pontoon boat and motor at no cost to be used by the LMIB to release bass after 2008 tournaments. He
requested authorization to purchase a tank, aerator, and siphon to create a live well for the fish. Dave’s motion was seconded by Larry and approved by the group.
Secretarial expenses: Dave produced receipts for purchase of copy paper, ink, and payments to internet company "1& 1" pay for keeping on the web totaling $85.84. Ray
moved to approve the reimbursement of the expenditures to Dave; Larry seconded the motion and the board passed the measure unanimously.
Meeting Dates for 2008: The following were tentatively approved as LMIB meeting dates for 2008:
Monday May 5 @5:30
Saturday June 14 @ 10:00
Saturday July 12 @ 10:00
Saturday August 16 @ 10:00
Monday October 6 @5:30
Meeting adjourned: 7:06
Minutes submitted by Secretary, Dave Foley.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting - August 30, 2007
Called to Order: 7:04
Members Present: Lois Poag, Ray Mayer, Mike Solomon, Larry Copley, and Dave Foley
Members Absent: James Dean
Special Presentation: Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones from ASI Engineering gave a presentation on the program used by her firm for aquatic vegetation control.
New Business:
Criteria for lake assessments: Mollie Whetstone from the Equalization office raised some questions about the specifics in determining assessments of property owners. It was decided to find the
most current criteria used for Lake Mitchell Assessments as well as examine the criteria used for Lake Cadillac assessments and from that determine the appropriate criteria for doing Lake
Mitchell assessments. This project needs to be addressed prior to November.
Motion: Mike moved and Ray seconded a motion to pay the requested fee of $3.75 per parcel to the township assessors, after the LMIB has determined the assessment criteria. These funds will be
paid after the LMIB has received the needed assessment revenue.
Next Meeting: October 1, 2007 at 5:30 PM
Minutes submitted by Dave Foley.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes - July 7, 2007
Called to Order: 10:00 A.M.
Members Present: Lois Poag, Mike Solomon, Ray Mayer, Larry Copley, and Pam Tyning from Progressive Engineering.
Members Absent: James Dean and Dave Foley
Secretary’s Report (Dave Foley): Motion for approval by Solomon; 2nd by Mayer. Unanimous approval
Treasurer’s Report (Ray Mayer):
Checking balance $2,665.42
Money Market Balance $50,002.46
With the Summer Taxes season not complete until September it may be necessary to set aside some major payments pending receipt of cash.
An individual from the audience requested that the LMIB attempt to split the LMIB Lake Assessment so that 50% would be on each tax bill.
Motion to accept the Treasurers Report was made by Mike Solomon; seconded by Larry Copley. Unanimously approved.
Drain Commissioner’s Report (Mike Solomon):
Lake level is 1289.91 which is okay.
Swimmers itch is prevalent on several locations around Lake Mitchell. It is requested that individuals contacting this malady should contact either the Wexford County Drain Commissioners or any
other member of the LMIB. The purpose of these reports is to allow an incident base to be developed for possible future treatment.
Old Business:
Results of last survey June 21, 2007 (Harvesting): As identified in the survey 25 acres with an additional 4 acres being added have been targeted for harvesting in Frankie Cove, Little Cove and
East of Camp Torenta The harvesting phase is scheduled to end on or about July 14, 2007.
An individual in the audience requested that Progressive check out Lake Mitchell between West Division and the Johnson Center for additional Mill Foil.
Several of those in attendance were complementary of the harvesting efforts thus far.
Assessment Roll Responsibility - compensation for Margo: It was brought to the attention of the LMIB via an e-mail from Cherry Grove Township Treasure, Margo Copley that there is need for the
LMIB to develop procedures specifying responsibilities and duties consistent with acceptable business practices to address the following:
Develop and maintain a master list of all parcels within the assessment district.
Specify how and by whom additions and deletions of parcels to the master list are to be made.
Develop procedures to insure how changes/corrections to the master list are to be affected.
Develop a protocol specifying how and when funds should be transferred from the townships and city to the LMIB.
Investigate the feasibility of providing a stipend per parcel transaction for the affected townships and city treasurers.
Chairperson, Lois Poag indicated that she would be in contact with the township boards, city commission and Progressive to develop a system that was clean and equitable for all involved. It is
imperative that these processes take on a professional persona to handle the concerns of all involved.
Following is a listing of concerns brought forward for the LMIB to consider and correct:
Judith VanderMolen indicated that she was billed three times for lake assessment though she only owned two parcels. The documentation for the following parcels 83-2210-AK-23A, 83-2210-WS-53 and
83-2210-WS-10 were presented. Chairperson Lois Poag indicated that the LMIB would attempt to rectify this problem and report back.
Steve Osborn indicated that he had two lots, which were separated by other parcels and indicated that he would like consideration similar to lots that were adjacent which could be consolidated.
It was explained that lots in this configuration must be counted as two separate parcels.
Matthew Schmitt of 117 Eagle Court requested that the Board consider letting him consolidate several adjacent parcels into one parcel. Chairperson Lois Poag indicated that the LMIB would attempt
to rectify this problem and report back.
The Marline Harper Trust also requested consideration concerning consolidations and billing. Chairperson Lois Poag indicated that the LMIB would attempt to rectify this problem and report
Chad Collins, GIS Coordinator for Wexford County provided a listing of the following parcels which meet the specifications of the assessment district but have never been billed:
2210-26-4401 Selma Township, and 2110-10-2101, 2110-ESP-26, 2110MPK-151, 211-MPK-114, 2110-10-1101 & 2110-HP-77 Cherry Grove Township.
Chairperson Lois Poag indicated that the LMIB would attempt to rectify these problems and report back.
Any Additional Business: Michael Soloman requested that Progressive provide the LMIB an enumerated listing of services provide. Mr. Solomon indicated that he had sent Ms. Tyning of Progressive a
detailed request via e-mail during the last several days.
Pam Tyning of Progressive indicated that the Lake Mitchell Improvement process was on track and that it was under constant evaluation.
Public Comments: Ron Klimp, 7288 S. 33-½ Road Cadillac Mi. 49601 telephone 775-6577 brought samples of composted weed material. Mr. Klimp indicated that if individuals were interested in getting
some of this material for fertilizer, that they should contact him direct to work out cost and delivery.
Next Meeting, Saturday July 21, 2007 10:00 A.M.: Ms Tyning of Progressive indicated that she thought this date had been changed at a previous meeting. Ms. Tyning will contact Chairperson Poag
with the previously agreed upon date so that proper posting can take place.
Meeting Adjourned: 11:02 A.M.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Minutes - June 9, 2007
Called to Order: 10:00
Members Present: Lois Poag, Mike Solomon, Ray Mayer, Larry Copley, Dave Foley, and Pam Tyning from Progressive Engineering.
Members Absent: James Dean
Secretary’s Report (Dave Foley): Motion for approval by Solomon; 2nd by Copley. Unanimous approval
Treasurer’s Report (Ray Mayer): With money now available, LMIB funds have been used to repay $3000 loan from Cherry Grove Township.
Balance sheet often appears overly optimistic because township is on June to June fiscal calendar while LMIB operates on a January to January calendar.
Initial budget showed a shortfall of slightly less than $9000; however less-than expected milfoil on boat survey enabled budget to be balanced. (See revised budget - emailed to LMIB members
Motion to accept budget of $184,891 was made by Dave Foley; seconded by Larry Copley. Unanimously approved.
Drain Commissioner’s Report (Mike Solomon):
Lake level is 1280.25 which is okay.
Old Business:
Release of tournament bass: The three tournaments that have been held on our lakes this season have all willingly complied with our request to return fish to the lake where they were
Renewal of Progressive contract: Progressive’s request to raise their annual fee from $7000 to $12,000 was discussed. Pam Tyning talked about their expanding role and increasing costs and showed
us a sheet that spelled out Progressive’s services which discussed the expanded aquatic vegetation surveys and oversight, increased work with contractor, and volume of email communication
involving LMIB issues.
Motion was made by Mayer and seconded by Foley to approve the annual $12,000 cost for 2007-2009. Approval was unanimous.
Roadside Pickup: Mayer made a motion and seconded by Copley to approval the 2007 contract with Paul McDonald for $8250 to handle roadside pickup from May 21 through September 7. Unanimously
New Business:
Progressive Engineering report (Pam Tyning):
Aquatic vegetation survey: On June 5, Pam Tyning from Progressive Engineering, along with Dave Foley, did a grid survey of Lake Mitchell as they checked depth and vegetation looking for milfoil
at 267 points in the lake. Approximately 250 acres of Eurasian milfoil was discovered.
Chemical treatment will occur June 14 (weather permitting) and approximately 250 acres will be sprayed with 2-4-D for milfoil and plus additional acres will be treated with Reward for weeds
primarily in the coves. In the third week of June, Progressive Engineering and the Lake Improvement Board will check on the effectiveness of the chemical treatment and determine where harvesting
will occur. Harvesting should occur during the last week of June.
Seawall request: Jackie Clark inquired about procedures needed to follow to build a seawall along the common-shared shoreline of Hiawatha Court. She was referred to Pat Donavon of the DEQ.
Docks at Road ends: Patrick McQueen sent the board information about the HB 4463 which, if passed, would allow the placement of docks at road ends if townships pass ordinances endorsing this law.
This matter was referred to Selma and Cherry Grove Township supervisors.
Dock on MDOT land: It was also reported that a dock and pontoon boat have been placed along M-55 on public land. Mike Solomon referred this matter to MDOT. The MDOT will request that the dock be
Public Comments: None
Next Meeting: Saturday, July 7, 2007 at 10 AM.
Meeting Adjourned: 12:02
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board - May 7, 2007
Called to Order: 5:32
Members Present: Lois Poag, Mike Solomon, Ray Mayer, Larry Copley, Dave Foley and Pam Tyning from Progressive Engineering
Members Absent: James Dean
Secretary’s Report: (Dave Foley) Minutes of February 19 meeting approved.
Treasurer’s Report : (Ray Mayer)
We have a $66.10 credit in my name at the Cadillac News
Drain Commissioner’s Report: (Mike Solomon) Lakes are 3 inches above legal minimum and that is normal. The dam is wide open.
Old Business:
Requests for funds from Cherry Grove and Selma Townships:
Selma Township will give us an annual grant of $1650 to be used for milfoil eradication and will require us to make a quarterly report of the use of the this fund. This grant may be renewed
Cherry Grove Township will be giving us an annual grant of $1100 to be used for milfoil under an arrangement identical to Selma’s.
Both townships came up with their figure by taking their boat launch/park lots on Lake Mitchell (3 for Selma, 2 for Cherry Grove) and treated them as if they were assessed as commercial units
($550 per commercial unit).
Status of Matching fund grant requests: 17 of 47 applicants were approved for the More Fish Fund Program of he National Fish and Wildlife Association. We missed the cut. We also were turned down
for the grant with the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.
Website and Newsletter Report: Our 2007 newsletter and website expenses were $1718 as we mailed.555 12 page newsletters at $.63 each. (Last year we mailed 630 8-page newsletters @ $.39). An
additional 140 were notified by email saving us about $150.. Our webmaster expense went from $225 to $400. Next year I hope to return to an 8-page newsletter as the unusual amount of news
necessitated additional pages. That should save us on postage and printing.
Weed Hauler Contract renewed:
Paul McDonald’s contract was renewed for 2007 and will be paid $8250 this year, an increase of $2000. He will begin on May 21. and finish on September 7th. Lois will make sure he is ready to get
started on May 21.
New Business:
Professional Service Agreement with Progressive Engineering. The 2007 contract with Progressive calls for and increase from $7000 to $12,000. This reflects the increased time and effort it will
take to do about three full lake grid surveys this year. Mike Solomon moved and Ray Mayer seconded a motion to delay voting on this issue until the June meeting so LMIB members can check into
this. The motion passed unanimously.
Weed Survey Date is tentatively set for June 6th.
Chemical treatment will come about 4 to 7 days later.
Pam will consult with PLM about the possibility of harvesting later in the summer, instead of the week before the 4th of July to maximize the benefits of the single harvest
Dave will submit the form needed to have flock of Canada geese that hang around Hiawatha Court relocated by the DNR this summer.
Public Comments:
Bob Miller was concerned that State Park received weed treatment yet never paid any money.
Next Meeting:
May 25 10 AM - Annual LMA meeting.
June 9 10 AM - LMIB
Meeting adjourned: 6:20
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting -- February 19, 2007
Called to Order: 5:28 by vice president- James Dean
Members Present: James Dean, Mike Solomon, Larry Copley, Dave Foley with Pam Tyning from Progressive EA
Members Absent: Ray Mayer, Lois Poag.
Secretary’s Report: Minute’s from January 13 meeting approved.
Approved. Motion - Foley; 2nd Copley
Treasurer’s Report: Margo, Cherry Grove Treasurer, withdrew $20,000 out of Cherry Grove assessment collections from 2006winter tax collections and paid back $3000 we had borrowed.
Finances as of February 10:
Bank Balance is $13, 091.29 in money market savings.
Checking is $4,208.06.
Total is $17,299.35 (We have used $2700.65 of monies we don’t usually use until summer.
Approved. Motion - Solomon ; 2nd Foley
Drain Commissioner’s Report: Lake level = 1289.75 3 inches below normal.
New Business
Business Regarding Assessment Rolls:
Change in Assessment policy for Condominiums
Based on a request from Lynn Francis comes a request to change occupied condominium assessment from 1 unit to ¾ unit and owner of condo pays 1 unit.
Motion: The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board will change the assessment for occupied lakefront condominiums from 1 unit to ¾ unit and the owner of the condominium will continue to pay one
Motion by Foley. No second. Motion defeated.
Assessment for condos will continue to be 1 unit for occupied units and 1 unit for condominium developer.
Changes to Assessments based on appeals by property owners:
Motion: To approve 2210-HB-018 Edward Williams. Change to zero assessment because the parcel has been combined.
Motion: Foley; 2nd Solomon. Approved
Motion: Because 2210-IS-020 Gary Donahue’s 2 parcels are next to each other but split between two plats (part in Indian Springs and part in Hiawatha) Donahue should pay $275 for Hiawatha portion
but zero for Indian Springs portion because the country won’t allow him to combine them.
Motion by Foley; 2nd by Solomon. Approved.
Official Complaints to the tax Tribunal:
Motion: The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board denies the complaints brought by Gordy Maxwell 2210-PW1011and Don Powell 2210-35-3201 and 2110-BB56507 and BB 56041 that they should not pay their lake
improvement assessments. Motion by Foley; 2nd by Copley. Approved.
Written complaints and protests about Assessment
Tonya Holman - Concerns -Letter answered
Norris Hunemorder - Opposes assessment - Letter answered.
Tim Williams - concerns -Letter answered.
Joesph Smith - concerns - Letter answered.
Gerald and Anne Kent - Concerns & deeded access should pay full assessment. - Letter answered
Vicki & Doug Essenmacher - Opposed assessment - attended January 13 meeting.
Guy Forman - Opposed Assessment until environmental study before chemicals used - attended January 13 meeting.
The resolution that approves the final assessment rolls for changes in the assessments made in 2007 are attached to the minutes.
The Lake Improvement Board approved their Aquatic Plant Control Plan for 2007 which is as follows:
The Improvement Board’s objectives
The Improvement Board’s stated objectives for aquatic weed control, in order of priority are stated as follows:
1) Control Eurasian milfoil in the main part of the lake.
2) Remove vegetation that hinders boaters’ access to the lake.
3) Clear thick weeds away from ends of docks.
4) Provide roadside pick up for weeds.
To meet these objectives the Board held a public hearing on January 13th for the purpose of raising the property owners’ assessments and getting feedback from members of the Lake Mitchell
The Board’s plan for aquatic plant control in 2007
1. In June 2007, approximately 450 acres of milfoil will be treated.
A. 2-4-D will be used in all areas that are more than 250 feet from shore. (2-4-D cannot be used within 250 feet of any shallow wells.)
B. For milfoil and nuisance plants near the shore, Renovate and Reward chemicals will be used.
2. In addition to chemically treating the thick vegetation in the coves, harvesting will be done in late June to remove the vegetation near docks and to provide navigation paths so boats can
enter and exit the coves. As the harvesters cut the weeds, they will collect them so the weeds do not pile up and clog these waters.
3. The shoreline cleanup program will continue to operate starting the week before Memorial Day and ending the week after Labor Day.
Approve Prepayment of Website Newsletter Expenses
Motion: The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board approves payment of expenses incurred in the production of the 2007 Lakesider newsletter and the update of the website Expenses
and approximate costs are as follows: Webmaster: $350.
Printing and folding of newsletter $250. Mailing labels $25. Postage $250. Editor’s Fee to Dave Foley $600. Total approximately $1475.
Motion by Solomon; 2nd by Copley. Approved.
Request for secretarial Funds
Motion: The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board approves not more than $100 to be paid annually to the secretary for expenses incurred relating to Lake Mitchell Improvement business upon being
presented documentation of these expenses.
Motion by Solomon. 2nd by Copley. Approved.
Request for Water Quality
Upon recommendation by Mike Solomon, the Drain Commissioner, water testing will continue to be done on Lake Mitchell this year. In addition water near the inlets will be tested for phosphorus
content. The cost will be paid by the Lake Improvement Board and should be about $500.
Lake Mitchell Action Committee Report of winter 2006-07 activities.
Phosphorus-free resolutions: Cherry Grove and Selma Townships have both written and approved resolutions recommending that no phosphate fertilizers be used within 500 feet of the shores of Lake
Mitchell. Jim and Nan Vick were in charge of this project.
Milfoil Stamp: A resolution, based on a program in Maine, has been approved and supported by the MUCC at their Regional Meeting which would require that all motorized boats launched in Michigan
waters purchase annually a milfoil stamp ($10 for residents and $29 for non-residents). Funds anticipated to be $12-15 million would be used to treat invasive species in inland lakes. This
resolution will likely be approved at the MUCC State Convention in June and then be part of MUCC’s legislative policy agenda. Al Anderson researched the milfoil stamp; resolution written by Dave
Bass Redistribution: With support of the DNR, Lake Cadillac Association, and the City of Cadillac, Part 459 of the Fisheries Law forbidding the transfer of fish between lakes will be adhered to
during bass tournaments this year. Tournament officials will be asked to return 50% of their catch to the lake opposite the weigh-in and to five different locations along Mitchell’s north and
west sides. Permanent signs will be posted at seven locations and tournaments wherever possible will be contacted before the tournament.
Mike Engels, Ron Moelker, Al Anderson, and Dave Foley developed this plan.
B.A.S.S. And NTWF Grants; Although Larae Peters has written two matching funds grants for $95,000, we have not heard if they have been accepted.
Township Funding Requests: The Lake Mitchell Improvement Board will officially make requests at Cherry Grove and Selma Township meetings for funding to be used for aquatic plant control.
Lake Mitchell and Lake Cadillac Boards working together: Representatives from the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board now attend Lake Cadillac meetings and work together on common issues.
Weed Control Plan for 2007 - After much research including extensive study of Sonar, rotovators, harvesting techniques, weevils, and chemical treatment plans, it was determined that the plan
proposed for the 2007 aquatic plant control is the best one.
Goose Relocation - Bob Johnson from the City invited the LMIB to be a part of Canada goose relocation. Dave Foley will make a request to Ruth Ann French of the DNR. In June problem geese from
Lake Mitchell will be relocated..
Next Meeting - May 7, 2007
Adjourned: 6:24
Public Hearing on Assessment Roll for Improvements to Lake Mitchell -- January 13, 2007
1. Gary Donahue - 2287 East Lake Mitchell (Selma) 2
His 50 foot lot straddles Hiawatha and Indian Spring plats and this one lot is assessed two units (2210-IS-20 Indian Springs & 2210-HB-026 Hiawatha). He would like this reduced to one unit
and assessed for the larger Hiawatha Plat.
Motion: The Board moves to have the assessment rolls adjusted to show that Gary Donahue will now be assessed one unit instead of two for his East Lake Mitchell property. Motion -Foley. 2nd Dean.
Unanimous support.
2. Richard Prebay (Cherry Grove)- He lives on a lakefront lot and owns ½ of the connecting back lot and is currently assessed for 2 units. In addition he owns two back lots (#139 & 140). He
currently pays an assessment for each of these lots. He plans to go to the equalization office and combine each of these two separate properties so that the records will show that he owns a
single lakefront lot and a single back lot. He will thus reduce the total number of units he is assessed for to two.
Motion - When the records show that Richard Prebay has consolidated his lakefront property to a single unit and has also reduced his number of back lots to one. This must be accomplished by
February 15, 2007 His new assessment will reflect his reduction in assessed units. Motion - Foley. 2nd- Dean.
3.Gordy Maxwell - 120 Mallard Court #2210-PW1011 wishes the record to show that he will be making a complaint to the state tax tribunal. He feels that since assessments are supposed to be levied
so that improvements can be made to a property, that the lake improvement assessment monies fail to improve the quality of the lake and may even be adding to the problem. Thus the value of his
property is not improved by assessments levied on his property.
4. Don Powell - Selma Township lake front lot in Potter’s Woods #2210-35-3201 and Cherry Grove Township lots 2110-BB56507 ( 415 S. Lake Dr.) & BB56041 (414 S. Lake Dr.) will also be making a
complaint to the state tax tribunal. With the same rationale as Gordy Maxwell (See comments above for details).
Minutes submitted by Dave Foley, Secretary of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board.
January 15, 2007