Lake Mitchell Improvement Board
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting - September 26, 2005
Members Present: Lois Poag, Mike Solomon, Bill Goodwill, James Dean, and Pam Tyning from Progressive Engineering
Members Absent: Ray Mayer
Meeting Called to Order: 5:32
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Ray was absent but the balance sheet shows a balance of about $15,000. August harvesting and September shoreline cleanup bills have been paid.
Drain Commissioner’s Report: Mike Solomon reported that the 9/25 and 9/26 rains (about 2.4") brought lake level to 1259.76 - three inches below lake maximum level.
Milfoil survey: Progressive’s survey found 118 acres of milfoil in Lake Mitchell.
Shoreline Cleanup plan for 2006: A representative from DMW weed haulers proposed that all calls be directed to their home phone which will solve the situation resulting from the current problems
with Shoreline Cleanup Hotline telephone.
Report from Enviro-Science meeting in Kalkaska: James Dean reported on an informational meeting he attended where Enviro-Science talked about using weevils to control Eurasian milfoil. Dean
reported that 1) Weevils can fly five miles; 2) They can overwinter in manicured laws; and 3) Cost is 1000 weevils for $1200 plus $4500 for a survey and administrative costs. This information
differs form earlier data given by Envrio-Science. Pam noted that Progressive will get in touch with ES to determine what is the most reasonable expectations from a weevil planting. Lake Cadillac
will likely do a combination of weevils and chemical treatment in dealing with its milfoil problems.
Measuring of ecoli in Lake Mitchell: Mike Solomon noted that a grant will allow for measurement of ecoli levels in Lake Mitchell. Tests at State Park Beach in 2005 yielded low levels of ecoli
which do not threaten swimmer’s health.
Discussion of August treatment in Lake Mitchell: Although the survey by Progressive showed the chemical treatment of Hiawatha and Franke Cove was successful, several Franke Cove residents felt it
was inadequate. Apparently there is differing opinions on what is adequate weed control. In 2006 residents of Franke and Little Cove will be invited to ride survey boats so an agreement can be
reached on weed control.
Water Quality investigations to continue: A motion was passed to spend $370 to continue water quality tests in Lake Mitchell in 2006.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:08. Next meeting is May 8, 2006
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting - August 8, 2005
Members Present: Lois Poag, James Dean, Dave Foley, Mike Solomon.
Members Absent: Ray Mayer, Bill Goodwill
Members Absent: 5:36 P.M.
Discussion of next harvesting: The effectiveness of the June chemical treatment/harvesting will result in only 5-6 acres of harvesting and very little chemical treatment in mid-August.
Working with Lake Cadillac: The board has offered to work with organizations that form to deal with Lake Cadillac’s weed problem.
Weevil Informational Meeting: The board passed a resolution to pay mileage (at the government rate) and meal expenses for James Dean to travel to Kalkaska on August 16 to attend an informational
meeting about the application of weevils to control Eurasian milfoil.
A Grid for Lake Mitchell? Lois Poag will check with Progressive about the possibility of having them do a grid of the lake to determine the exact location and extent of plant growth in Lake
Ecoli checks for beaches: Mike Solomon noted that a grant had provided funds that will enable area beaches to be checked for ecoli levels. The State Park beach on Lake Mitchell will be checked
and possible Camp Torentas as well.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:13 P.M.
Next Meeting: September 28 at 5:30.
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting - June 14, 2005
Members Present: Mike Solomon, James Dean, Ray Meyer, Lois Poag, Pam Tyning
Members Absent: Laura Lee Smit
Meeting called to Order: 5:32
Secretary Report: Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: $81,892 on hand. Approved.
Drain Commissioner’s Report: Mike Solomon reported that current level is 1290.23’, 3" over summer level but starting to drop. The dam has been partially closed.
Old Business:
Franke Cove Boat Ramp: Dave Foley made a motion based on information provided by Mike Solomon to pave the ramp (instead of adding rock to it) not to exceed a cost of $499. The motion was made
because paving would be cheaper and would provide a stronger surface for vehicles. The motion passed.
South Franke Cove Treatments: The new policy, wherein any chemical treatments or harvesting other than those requested by the LMIB must be approved by Progressive Engineering and the LMIB, was
explained. A spirited discussion among residents of Franke Cove followed.
Resort Assessments: Clarifications were asked concerning assessments of new condominiums at the Country Club site. (Margo Stratton confirmed that once occupied, likely 2005, each unit would be
charged a full assessment.)
Public Hearings: Pam Tyning, representing Progressive Engineering, talked about procedures needed to prepare for the July 22 and August 5 (both at 5:30 at Cherry Grove Township Hall) public
Next meeting: June 28. 5:30
Minutes submitted by Dave Foley
Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting - May 9, 2005
Members Present: Lois Poag (President), Mike Solomon (Drain Commissioner),
James Dean(City Commission), Ray Mayer(Treasurer-elect), Dave Foley (Secretary)
Members Absent: Bill Goodwill (County Commission)
Meeting called to order: 5:30 PM
Secretary Report: Approved.
Treasurer’s Report: April 30, 2005 balance - $76,739.90
Mike and Dave will meet to make sure actual budget and budget projections agree.
Drain Commissioner Report: Mike Solomon reported that the lake level is 1290.016 which is about right for this time of year.
Motion: Nominated Ray Mayer to be the treasurer of the board. Nominated by Dave Foley; seconded by Mike Solomon. Unanimous support.
Motion: Approved the budget for 2005 to meet the new state requirement that this action be taken. Moved by James Dean; seconded by Mike Solomon. Unanimous support.
Pam Tyning from Progressive Engineering reviewed the chemical treatment and harvesting contracts for 2005. Professional Lake Management will do most of work. Midwest Aquatics will do north end of
Little Cove.
The email will continue to answer email queries but the person (Dave Foley at present) who responds will be sure to note whether he is speaking on behalf of the LMIB or just
offering personal ideas.
Shoreline Cleanup has not been activated yet but will start on Memorial Day weekend and operate until Labor Day assuming the service can be reestablished.
Next Meeting - June 13 (South Franke Cove concerns will be addressed at that time.)
Minutes submitted by Dave Foley