Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting Minutes

Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting  - October 14, 2024


A. Call to Order: 9:59

B. Roll Call: Present – Kathy Adams, Marty Williams, John Deterding, Dave Foley, Mike Solomon. Absent  - none

C Additions/Deletions- add  Discussion of Renata Olsen project

D. Approval of Agenda – unanimous approval

E. Approval of  August 16, Minutes -  unanimous approval

F. Public Comments -none


G. Agenda Items

1. Treasurer's Report – Deterding

     Fund balance is at $134, 256,28.  Treasurer John Deterding will investigate possible investments but with an eye to making sure LMIB has ample funds to conduct current business.

2.  Meeting schedule for 2025  - Proposed 2025 meeting dates: Saturday April 12, Monday June 9, Saturday August 16. Monday October 13. All meetings begin at 10 AM.   Motion by Foiey, second by Deterding to approved proposed dates. Motion was passed unanimously.

           2.5 Renata Olsen Project – Renata Olsen is helping the LMIB put together an slide presentation that will help explain the workings of the Board and answer commonly asked questions on how the LMIB functions. The  presentation should be ready by the April meeting.  

3. Restorative Lake  Science Contract – Motion by Adams, seconded by Williams to approve the contract presented by RLS which asks a lump sum annually of $19,000 for 2025-2026 and $19,500 for 2027-29.

4. Chair position -  Mike Solomon is considering leaving his position as president. In his role of consultant he billed 12 hours last year @ $32 an hour.  The board supports him in his role, and voted 4-0 (with Solomon  abstaining) to stay on as president.  John Deterding suggested the board a “related party transaction” program which helps identify if there are conflicts of interest.  

5. Consultant Report -Consultant and CEO Of Restorative Lake Sciences – Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones reported a very busy season as lack of ice in winter and early spring led to big year for weed growth.  Hoping for traditional winter to return. If shallows don't freeze algae spores aren't killed and may appear in spring.  

       6. Other Business - None


H. Correspondence

I. Public Comments

J. Committee Member Comments

K. Chairman Comments – Kathy Adams who represents the County Commission will be finishing her term on the Commission and thus leaving the LMIB. Mike and the LMIB have greatly appreciated her work on the Board. 

L. Adjournment: 10:38



A. Call to order: 7PM

B. Roll Call: Present – John Deterding. Kathy Adams, Marty Williams, Dave Foley, Mike Solomon. Absent: Shari Spoelman

         C. Additions/Deletions to agenda – none

         D. Approval to agenda – unanimous

         E. Approval of June 10, 2024 meeting minutes – unanimous

         F. Agenda items:  


Treasurer's Report  7/31/24 (John Deterding)

        Balance - $40,760.97

        Revenue - $12, 834.78

        Expenditures - $9548.88

        Net income/loss -$3285.90 


Consultant's report (Jennifer's Jermalowicz-Jones):

Discussed Lake Mitchell Improvement Feasibility Study and Aquatic Vegetative Management PLan showing how the nature of the lake effects the management plan.

According to Jennifer a healthy lake has 1/3  of its lake bottom  covered with vegetation.

In response to concerns about lake users being unable to navigate sections of the main lake body, a team from EGLE visited the lake and surveyed trouble areas during the 2nd week of August. 

LMIB and RLS had sought to chemically treat these areas. Lisa Huberty from  EGLE denied the request.

All treatment of native nuisance weeds must occur within 100 feet of shore and be done to facilitate navigation.  

The excessive weed growth, notably the native plant naiad, likely occurred because the exceptionally early ice out allowed for more sunlight and more growth.  Previous success in treating the invasive  EWM pl;ant, left areas of the lake bottom without weed cover and naiad filled these open areas. 

One solution to excessive weeds is harvesting. That is under consideration.  More likely chemical treatment will continue in Coves and near shore areas.


Public comments:     

Ron Moelker noted that according to EGLE, Native plants could be treated open areas of a lake if it restricted watercraft navigation. August 13  EGLE ruling negated this option. 


Board Action:

A motion was made by John Deterding and seconded by Dave Foley to approve the hearing of practicability and Review of Apportionments. A vote was taken. Dave Foley,John Deterding, Marty Williams and Mike Solomon voted “yes”approved . Kathy Adams voted “No”. The motion passed.


Public Comments continued:

Densie Green asked why we couldn't assess public areas (boat launches, public lots, the State Park. Mike Solomon told her Selma Township pays an assessment, Cherry Grove provides clerical and treasury services in lieu of paying assessment. State Park pays a minimal amount.

Sheryl VandenBosch wondered if AirBNBs could be assessed as commercial properties. This hasn't been addressed yet but both townships are working to establish laws regarding AirBNBs.

Dave Stinger raised concerns LMIB finances about its purchase and selling of CDs for $25,000 and $50,000.

Angus White noticed how expenses have doubled in recent years. The increase in vegetation in some years has required more to be spent to chemically treat these plants.

Dave Stinger and Gary Huyge read papers outlining their concerns about how Board has operated, its inability to succeed in weed control, why we have public hearings every 5 years instead of 3, why we don't consider dropping RLS and just have work done by a chemical applicator,and their concern about Mike Solomon's conflict of interest of being LMIB president while serving as an independent consultant for RLS.

In response to a question Mike indicated that he had made $200 from his work this year for Lake Mitchell. 

Janet Barnes asked for why assessment is $250 with a ceiling of $450. 

Mary Williams explained this would help build up the LMIB fund balance which has become depleted in recent years.

Dennis Mahoney asked about setting of the annual assessment rate. The rate is set in April before weeds have come up making it difficult to accurately predict the weed growth for that year.

Christie Kazmarek asked if seasonal residents were represented and was told all who owned property and live on or have access to lake are represented.     

Dave Kuyers  pointed out that an adequate fund balance is necessary and steps should be taken to keep assessment at a level that insures that within a few years fund balance will be restored.


A motion was made by Dave Foley and seconded by Kathy Adams to lower the LMIB assessment ceiling from $450 to $350. Foley, Adams, and Solomon voted “Yes”. Williams and Deterding voted “No”. The motion passed.  


Based  on  a recent, survey Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones proposed that $32,164 be spent on chemical treatments to be administered on August 20. These treatments will address 22.5 acres of nuisance native weeds within a 100 feet of shore as per EGLE requirements and treat 31 ¾ acres of invasive EWM.


A Motion was made by Solomon and seconded by Deterding to approve the $32,164  to treat vegetation. The motion was unanimously approved.   


The meeting was adjourned at 8:50.

Minutes submitted by Dave Foley


To review RLS annual report and prepare for Public Hearings


A. Call to order: 10 AM

B. Roll Call   - Present – Mike Solomon, Shari Spoelman, Kathy Adams, Marty Williams, John Detering  Dave Foley 

C. No additions/ deletions to agenda

D. Agenda Approved unanimously

E. Minutes of June 10, meeting approved unanimously

F. Public Comments – none


G. Agenda Items 

1. Review, discuss, and approve engineering report.

JenniferJermalowicz-Jones CEO of Restorative Lake Sciences presented the RLS annual report.

Heavy native weed growth in Big Cove discussed. Limited finances makes it not feasible to cut and/or harvest weeds this year. Property owners are able to access main lake from their docks without their motors getting fouled with weeds. 

Torenta Canal is navigable. If chladophora algae becomes a problem, it could be harvested.

25 acres of Eurasian water milfoil was found and treated. A followup survey will determine if more needs to be done.

Naiad, a native plant, is becoming a problem in main lake. Because it is a native plant if cannot be treated if it is more than 100 feet from shore. It is floating about in large mats and clogging beaches when it drifts to shore. Harvesting is the only option but limited finances make that unlikely. The collection of next summer's assessment will help LMIB's finances.

MOTION: A motion was made by Mike Solomon  and seconded by Shari Spoelman  to accept the Lake Mitchell Feasibility Study  and Aquatic Vegetation Plan subject to modifications based on finances. The motion was passed by unanimous vote.   

Discuss public Hearing:

On Friday, August 16 at 7 PM a Public Hearing will be held at the Cherry Grove Township Hall to proceed with a Resolution to Proceed with Improvements to Lake Mitchell (Resolution of Practicality) 

In addition a resolution confirming the special assessment Roll and Directing the Collection of Special Assessments for a five year period not to exceed $450 for lakefront lots,$225 for back lots, and $900 for commercial property will be brought forth.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:38. 



Regular Meeting Monday, June 10, 2024 at 10:00 am

Cherry Grove Township Hall, 4830 E. M-55, Cadillac, MI. 49601


A. Mike Solomon, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

B. Present: Mike Solomon, Shari Spoelman, Marty Williams, John Deterding, Kathy Adams (Dave Foley absent)

C. Chair Solomon appointed Spoelman as acting secretary.

D. AGENDA approved as presented.

E. April 20, 2024 Minutes approved.




1. Treasurer’s Report -Presented by Deterding. Minimal activity.

1.a.) Motion Adams. Seconded by Williams to approve Treasurer’s Report. Approved unanimously.

1.b.) Deterding reported a couple of invoices (PLM and RLS) that will be paid in July when the CD matures, providing us with more cash on hand.

1.c.) Solomon thanked Deterding for stepping in as treasurer and taking over amidst some interesting financial and record keeping circumstances.

2. Budget Approval. Detering presented proposed 2024 – 2025 budget (effective July 1, 2024). A few clarifying questions and answers from board members.

2.a.) Motion to approve and seconded. Roll call vote. Unanimous approval.

3. Solomon reported Foley indicated the Weed Pick-up is going well.

4. Solomon presented public hearing documents prepared by the LMIB attorney. All board members had these to review in advance of the meeting. Adams presented the motion; Solomon seconded: The Resolution of Intent to Conduct a Public Hearing on and Establish a Special Assessment District for the Continuation of the Lake Mitchell Improvement Program for Lake Mitchell. Roll Call vote. Unanimous approval.

5. Solomon reviewed and commented on other documents related to the hearings: Resolution to Proceed with Improvements to Lake Mitchell and Resolution Confirming Special Assessment Roll and Directing the Collection of Special Assessments for Improvements to Lake Mitchell. Solomon made a motion to approve these. Adams seconded. Unanimously approved.

6. It was decided to hold a Special Meeting on July 24 at 10:00 am to discuss and review the feasibility study completed by RLS.

7. Solomon reviewed Secretarial duties, including public notifications and

property owners’ notifications via mail, that need to be performed prior to the hearings in August and the costs involved. He will work with Foley to ensure all duties are performed within the time frames prior to the hearing.

8. Consultant Report. Ben Schermerhorn recapped the activities of Restorative Lake Science. The lake was surveyed on May 13 and approximately 24.25 acres were found with Eurasian Water Milfoil. Some other invasives were also found. Invasives were treated on May 29, along with some native plants in Franke Cove to allow for boat navigation for these property owners. Mid July RLS will perform a scan and vegetation inventory. Schermerhorn noted the development of a beaver dam or lodge near the channel.

9. Q and A for the Consultant

9.a.) Dave Kuyers questioned if the late summer treatment last year was helpful in reducing EWM this year. Schermerhorn indicated it was definitely successful. He also said there could be a late season bloom again this year and they will continue to monitor the lake.

9.b.) Gary Huyge asked a number of questions related to the July survey. Schermerhorn explained the intent of the July survey is to learn more about the biomass and bio volume, along with sediment composition.

More information is available on the LMIB website in the consultant’s report.

9.c.) Dennis Mahony mentioned that he thinks he is seeing more weeds at the surface near his dock near the canal than he has ever seen.

Schermerhorn mentioned to treat native vegetation, it has to be at least 100 ft from the shoreline or causing major navigation issues for boats.

9.d.) Ron Moelker asked questions about the use of ProcellaCOR® wondering why RLS isn’t recommending the use of it routinely.

Schermerhorn provided that the use of ProcellaCOR® is site specific, not broadcast. Solomon provided comments about the cost of the chemical and reminded all that it was not a “silver bullet.” Solomon also reviewed costs of treatments since 2013 and the

Board’s efforts at keeping these as low as possible.

9.e.) Jackie Erway had questions about treatment timing, wondering if a treatment later in the season when the plants are larger would be more effective. Schermerhorn responded that later treatment would not necessarily result in greater results since plants may absorb herbicides better during their fast-growing period early season. He added that there may well be another treatment later in the summer.



1. Dave Kuyers – Appreciates format of budget and treasurer’s report. Questioned the Delinquent Assessment revenue not being carried forward

to new fiscal year. The Board agreed to look at this and thanked Kuyers for bringing it to its attention.

2. Ron Moelker – Questioned the need to increase the assessment amount from $250 to $450. He expressed concern over RLS benefitting from this. Williams reminded the group of the expense involved in doing a public hearing and the $450 is the most that the board can assess in a given year. The Board reviews and determines the assessment amount each year based on need.

3. Jackie Erway indicated she was speaking on behalf of the Lake Mitchell Property Owners Association. She expressed concern over the proposed increase. She mentioned she didn’t see how the LMIB was trying to

decrease costs and questioned why we didn’t use the treatment company solely instead of having both a consultant and a treatment company.

Erway said the Property Owners are not happy with the Board and the Board is not transparent. Williams disagreed with Erway’s assertion that property owners aren’t happy. The property owners that he is in contact with have indicated they are pleased with the efforts of the LMIB. He wondered if a survey would indicate that the majority of property owners are happy. Spoelman questioned how the Board could be more transparent. Erway replied that agendas could be printed in advance and available when they enter, meetings could be held in the evenings or on weekends.



1. Adams expressed how nice it is that the LMIB meetings allow for community members to have open communication with the Board and with the Consultants.

2. Spoelman said she feels it is important to have a consultant that is separate from the treatment company. She added that board members are volunteers, working hard to do our best for the LMIB, including keeping costs down.



Solomon commented on the importance of having a consultant in addition to a treatment company. RLS has a history of success on Lake Mitchell and the budget has been managed well.




Minutes: S Spoelman

LMIB June 10, 2024
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Lake Mitchell Improvement Board Meeting Minutes -- April 20, 2024


A. Call to order  10:00

B. Roll Call: Present Mike Solomon, Marty Williams, Ron Klimp, Kathy Adams, Dave Foley.   Absent Shari Spoelman 

C. Additions/Deletions to agenda

D. Approval of Agenda: Unanimous

E.  Approval of November 3, 2024  minutes: Unanimous

F. Public Comments:

G. Agenda items:

1. Treasurer's report: Ron Klimp

Balance as of 4/5/24 - $55,747. 

2. Klimp completion of 4-year Riparian team

3. Select new riparian member -

Motion: Dave Foley made a motion seconded by Kathy Adams to appoint John Deterding to serve on the Lake Mitchell Improvement Board (LMIB) as the Riparian  member. Unanimous approval.

4. Election of officers – The following were nominated and elected as officers of the LMIB – Mike Solomon, chairman; Shari Spoelman as vice chairman, John Deterding as treasurer; and Dave Foley as secretary.

5. Establish assessment for 2024

Motion by Dave Foley, seconded by Marty Williams to set the assessment at $250 for lakefront assessment. Motion passed unanimously.

6. Weed Pickup contract – Approved for this year. Begins May 1.

7. Approve proposed budget for 2024 – Williams

Marty Williams of the finance committee proposed that the 2024 budget approval be postponed until June meeting to examine new data and get input from new treasurer.   

8. Discus amount of fund balance

A fund balance goal of $250,000 was proposed, based on  1 ½ to 2 times the years with the most expenses. Motion made by Marty Williams and seconded by Kathy Adams to establish this fund balance  received unanimous support.  

9. Discuss and recommend length of assessment period. 

Motion to make the assessment period 5 years was made by Dave Foley and seconded by Kathy Adams. All voted “yes” except Mike Solomon voted “no”. The rationale for the length of the assessment period was to minimize the frequency of  public hearings saving cost on the required first class mailings and the placement of public hearing information in the local paper.

10.  Discuss and recommend the maximum amount of the assessment.

Motion by Marty Williams and seconded by Dave Foley to set maximum assessment at $450 passed unanimously  

11.  Use of an attorney

Motion by Mike Solomon to hire Crystal Morgan as LMIB attorney to prepare paperwork and resolutions for the public hearing at an estimated cost of $1500. Motion passed unanimously

12.  Consultant report  - Jennifer Jones, CEO of Restorative Lake Sciences reported that the weed survey was scheduled to take place on May 17.

H. Correspondence – none

I.  Public Comments

1.Sandy Harrison  asked about how LMIB keeps people informed. Information is passed via LMIB email list and updates to website.

2.  To keep out invasive species, lakes sometimes use boat washing stations. Jackie Erway felt the cost would be prohibitive to establish these on Lake Mitchell.  She also hoped that annual $250 assessment would be sufficient and felt that the maximum of $450 might be too high.

3. Dave Kuyer  who has a member of the finance committee, and a member Lake Mitchell Sewer Board felt assessment level was okay if it enabled Board to accomplish its weed control mission.

4. Gary Huyge was concerned about new invasive species getting into Lake Mitchell. Jennifer explained that there is a new law making it illegal to transport invasive species.

Marty Williams added that we should contact our legislators and recommended that they become active in funding the invasive species control efforts.

5. Dave Stinger feels state needs to reminded that they need to patrol boat launches to minimize spread of invasive species.

6. Stinger also asked why concentration of chemicals is been increased over years and Jennifer told him it was because EWM is producing hybrid plants which are more resistant to chemicals that is why less 2-4-D is being used and more Procella.    

7. LeAnne Droski encouraged the LMIB to consider joining the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association (MLSA). The status of LMIB's membership will be checked to make sure we are members.


Chairman Comments: Mike Solomon noted that a riparian's property value is tied to the condition of the lake. If lake quality is poor, value drops.  


Meeting adjourned: 11:03  - 20 members attended